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"Sports for Disabled - Enable to Participate"

In the sequence of a previous project, developed under the Leonardo da Vinci programme – Pilot Project, named “Sports for Disabled – Training Curricula of Sports assistants for disabled people” which NRC – APPC was a partner, we intend to transfer the results and products, considerate innovative and adequate to the needs of qualifications of specific target groups to attend and assist disabled persons in practising sport and physics activities, for new participating countries ( Bulgary, Finland and Turkey).This previous project was implemented to face the lack of training in the vocational area related with Sports, Physics and Leisure activities, regarding the participation of disabled people.This demand comes from different organisations operating in the sector of sport activities and leisure with disabled people. Entities such local municipalities, training organisations, enterprises with specialized services for disabled or dependent persons, associations for disabled people, etc).In one hand it addresses to people with low qualifications, facing problems accessing to the labour market. In this perspective, intend to promote and develop their competences and skills regarding a successful integration in the labour market, by doing a job in a area without qualified professionals.In the other way, proposes to increase the access and opportunities, regarding participation of disabled people in activities related to Sports, Physics and Leisure.Also to accomplish the employment aims in the renewed Lisbon Strategy, the priorities addressed to disable / disadvantage groups are necessary and important to reduce de exclusion conditions of participation in society, by the reason that disadvantage groups face too many obstacles in the access to employment, education and training. So, the importance of working with these groups and to promote their integration as a elementary condition of citizenship and a essential contribution to the building of a more just, equal and solidary Europe. We intend to transfer this innovative training itinerary as result of the recognition of the evaluation need to municipality services, organisations representing disabled people, training organisations, sport associations and to promote the development of the European dimension of training and education, in a sector with strong potential of growth – sports and leisure for disadvantage groups.To achieve this we will make the translation of the Trainning Manual of “Sports for Disable”. It is a training curricula to train different target groups ( people with low qualifications, long term unemployed, young people, women, with problems facing the access and integration in the labour market), in the area of assistant for disabled people in sport and physic activities.For the effect we will translate the contents of the training itinerary for the 3 language (FIN+BG+TK), in order to possibility the knowledge and appropriation of the product.Consequently we will develop some specific training sessions for the 3 new members that will adopt the curricula training.This will basically consists in a training / workshop sessions to present the contents, explain and inform about the process , exchange information and help in the process of adoption / adaptation for each country and to make a more personalised and direct process of transfer of innovation and acknowledgment.The main outcomes are:• The Edition of a Training Manual (printed in the 3 new languages – BG+FIN+TK). Also exists in PT+ES+ENG version;• The Pilot Course – to test and adapt to cultural and social context, in BG; FIN; TK;• Specific training sessions, specially addressed to key persons will work in the process of adapt and innovation transfer of products;• The implementation of a Collaborative Platform, for communication and work between partnership, visibility for the project and dissemination;• Transnational Seminars for the proce...
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