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European Commitment to Entrepreneurship

We perceive that a coherent and common methodology to promote entrepreneurship in secondary education is lacking at European level. There is also a need to embed an international dimension in order to provide pupils/students a first-hand experience of the challenges posed by actual working and business environment they will encounter in the near future. Within this transfer of innovation project we would like to create this common methodology at European level to develop entrepreneurship as a key competence. Foundations will be laid to build up a strong network of schools and supporting institutions interconnected all throughout Europe with one common goal: the stimulation of entrepreneurial skills for young pupils/students and the development of entrepreneurship beyond the national borders. The partnership is an assembly of hands on experts concerning entrepreneurship, who want to make possible a smooth transition from education to employability, through the stimulation of entrepreneurial skills thanks to a good practice example. In the partnership Valnalon Educa, the organisation that has developed the EJE, Empresa Joven Europea or the European Junior Enterprise, the project which is subject of this transfer of innovation proposal has agreed to be partner in the TOI-project. They want to support the other partner countries with the implementation of the entrepreneurship method EJE in their own organisations and network. Every other partner is willing to transmit the knowledge and the experience of the project, general conclusions and the organizational activities to its own target groups. (relevant actors in the promotion of entrepreneurship in schools – educational sector – enterprises (SME) – private, communal and governmental organisations – employers organisations)The expected outcomes are that staff will gain expertise and will continue to share good practices with European colleagues in order to develop a consistent enterprise education/training network involving a wide array of stakeholders and sharing a common methodology. This will also strengthen the network between educational institutions and companies all over Europe. The project will activate teachers/trainers/students e.a. to create more new ideas by offering them an international opportunity.Through this project we want to increase the knowledge on European level, and the diffusion of information of experience and practices. This information can be implemented to the activities of the different organisations and further transmitted to companies, schools and students. This also enhances the possibilities to increase the competitiveness and the development of entrepreneurial skills as a key competence in the concept of life long learning.
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9 Partners Participants