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With the experiences of 3 pilot projects and the expertise of 11 partners from 8 European countries, a digital European youth participation online platform will be built, which is tested and open to be used by administrations and youth organizations of any size and level to set up participative processes. The platform consists of• comprehensive eParticipation package (EUth-applications), bringing ...
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Education for foreign national inmates in the European region

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

The FORINER project aims to provide foreign national inmates in European prisons access to qualitative, low threshold, certified learning opportunities provided by home institutions but received by the inmate in a foreign prison. To this purpose a structure will be designed and tested which allows education providers to inmates to reach out to their nationals in other European countries, with the ...
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Faith to Divide, Faith to Unite - Interfaith Dialogue in Youth Work

Start date: May 5, 2016, End date: Aug 4, 2017,

Although religious identification is seen on a decrease in many western European states, tensions and discrimination based on religious terms still form a common concern. Especially in the light of the refugee crisis and the increasing religious diversification in western European states, the need for projects, which give the chance for a constructive and mutual exchange between faith groups, can ...
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Progression through Active Civic Engagement

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Jun 30, 2017,

The project, over two years, will design, implement and review a Civic Engagement learning programme for socially excluded young people. Organisations from three countries will participate (Ireland, Greece and Portugal). There will be two partners from each country: one with expertise in education, research and review; and the other partner being an NGO with a development base within the excluded ...
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iMigration - Fostering European Positive Migration

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

...g directly over 240 young people, 200 workers and professionals in the field of youth, and through the strategic alliance of 3 organizations (Ecos do Sur, Spain, Make it Better (miB), Portugal and Pronexus, Italy) who work in care to young people, will be a joint effort of transfer of good practices to produce training material that help the workers of these entities and other professionals workin ...
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See it Our way - Participatory Photography for intercultural Dialogue

Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Apr 11, 2017,

In a very diverse Europe where migrants flow and refugee crises is still dividing communities, it is more and more important to deepen the understanding of the characteristics of the other. Visual methods admits us into a world where people can tell us their own life stories through images.SocialVisions participatory method is rooted in both photojournalism and international development and has it ...
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DEMOCRACY - YOUTH - POWER: Theory and practice of youth empowerment

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

One of the main goal of the youth work consists of educate young people to play the role of “agents of change” in their local communities by fostering their sense of active citizenship as well as political and democracy education. However, youth workers and youth leaders cannot sometimes succeed in this above all for two reasons. Firstly, they tend to hold (consciously or not) decision-making powe ...
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Stepping Up for Rural Communities - Development and Participation

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Young people living in disadvantaged rural areas are facing many difficult challenges in their everyday life. They are often suffering from having limited access to educational opportunities, which in turn diminishes their chances on the labor market. Low level of community involvement among young people from rural areas is commonly seen as a direct result of the above mentioned obstacles. However ...
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Keys to Employability: Social Entrepreneurship

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

Contemporary Europe, still struggling to go out of the economic crisis, is facing many difficult challenges. The growing youth unemployment has reached the unprecedented scale, leaving a great number of young people graduating from school with no income and no perspectives. There are many governmental and civil society initiatives addressing this challenge but there is still a great need for explo ...
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Vintage of Cultures

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

...ple who desire to obtain knowledge and experience regarding the inter-cultural issues. Applicant organization is Studenten Entwicklungsgesellschaft Österreich, hosting organization is Caucasus Youth Nexus, Georgia. Main idea of the project is to share cultures and traditions among young people from different countries, moreover we include in our youth exchange young people with fewer opportunities ...
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Democracy in Europe: Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The Training Course "Democracy in Europe: Patterns of Inclusion and Exclusion" raises awareness of our own behaviors that are exclusive and inclusive, within the context of societal issues based on these values, namely the Refugee crisis in Europe. The project takes the refugee situation in Europe as the context for which such values could be discussed, based on the policies of differing countrie ...
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Participation for Inclusion

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

In recent years the number of educational projects addressed to European youth has increased significantly, giving young people an unprecedented opportunity to develop in different fields. Every year there are hundreds of youth projects dedicated to a huge variety of issues, such as intercultural learning, antidiscrimination, arts and culture, healthy lifestyle, employability and many other. Regar ...
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Youth work as a school of democracy - Democracy education revisited

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

One of the ongoing challenges and tasks for a democracy is to develop a democratic culture among its citizens. Democratic institutions certainly form an important base but without the development of corresponding attitudes among the people, they are running the risk to remain an empty shelf.For the field of youth work the question therefore appears to what extend it can contribute to the developme ...
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‘Innovative Approaches to Professional Training’ project will be realized jointly with NEXUS , Training and Mobility, S.L. and Formacion Europea, Practica, Movilidad organizations – our project partners from Spain. It is oriented toward teachers and students from ‘Alexander Paskalev’ Professional High School of Tourism, haskovo, Bulgaria. The project is aimed at refining the quality of training t ...
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... environment in Spain. The beneficiaries, 20 girls and boys studying in PGSS, Chirpan from 9th to 12th class, will have their two weeks mobility in the region of Barcelona, with the partnership of Nexus organization and will be divided into two areas. In the field of "Agriculture" - 10 students will be included from the specialties "Agricultural Mechanization", "Plant Protection and Agrochemi ...
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Digital Storytelling for Youth Inclusion

Start date: Oct 5, 2015, End date: May 4, 2016,

Working with youth at risk of social exclusion is a very sensitive topic that requires especially careful approaches and methods which can provide a safe space for young people to express their problems and needs without a fear of being judged or misunderstood. In vast majority of cases youngsters from socially vulnerable groups are facing various challenges in their daily lives, hence there is a ...
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There is a need of a more structured civil society environment at European level regarding security research.SecurePART proposes the following strategic objectives to be achieved:1 Understanding the status quo about CSOs participation;2 Helping CSOs to cope with the increasing complexity of security research;3 Supporting the internal structure of CSOs, promoting collaboration links among them and ...
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"Its' our common challenge" is a Training course to be held from 14 to 21 November 2015 in Aghveran, Armenia . It will bring together youth workers, youth leaders, teachers and educators from 5 program (Germany, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, Denmark) and 4 EECA partner countries (Ukraine, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus) + Russia. Considering the contemporary radicalization and intolerance spreading wit ...
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CLICK – Technologies for education of youngsters

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

The motivation which led to the development of CLICK proposal results from previous contacts and work groups established among the organizations involved (schools, youth organizations, public-private network and public bodies) where it became clear, in respect for actual and conventional youngsters education approaches, the urgent need to identify, develop and share new ways (methods, tools, appro ...
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European Smart Mobility Resource Manager (MyWay)

Start date: Sep 1, 2013, End date: Feb 29, 2016,

For many decades, urban planning and transport evolved around the private car, which has resulted in problems such as congestion, noise, pollution, etc. To tackle these adverse impacts and improve the livability of Europe's cities, citizens today can benefit, next to the private vehicle, public transport and non-motorised modes, from a variety of new sustainable and complementary mobility schemes, ...
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Europe's Youth Beyond Discrimination

Start date: Aug 20, 2015, End date: Feb 19, 2016,

Europe’s Youth Beyond Discrimination’s project (EYBD) will be a Training Course (TC) that will gather a total of 32 young people and youth workers from 10 European and neighbouring countries. It will provide a safe space to explore intercultural understanding within Europe and along its borders and the emergence of stereotypes, prejudices and discrimination. Our mission is to promote a culture o ...
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Conflict resolution in intercultural perspective

Start date: Aug 2, 2015, End date: Feb 1, 2016,

A lack of conflict resolution strategies can threaten healthy relation and the coherence of society. An increasing diversification of modern societies demands the competences of young people to deal with differences in norms, values and ways of living and the conflicts that may arise from it. The TC “Conflict resolution in intercultural perspective” therefore addressed the need of a more advanced ...
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Betzavta International: Learning the Language of Democracy

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

The training course offered here is called Betzavta International: Learning the Language of Democracy. The Betzavta method is used to look at how democracy works (or does not work) in a small group and provides a space of self-reflection for every individual to think of their role in a group and in the larger society. Although Betzavta is gaining increasing international popularity due to its abi ...
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The main project activity, the Training Course “Keys to employability – soft skills development for empowering young people” took place between 8th -15th of September 2015 (plus 2 days for travel, in total 10 days between 7-16.09.2015) in Aghveran, Armenia. 27 youth workers(plus 2 trainers from ICRLD) and youth leaders from 11 countries (Poland,Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Macedonia, Ukraine, Bulgar ...
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Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 16, 2015,

Be LOCAL project responds to the needs of youth work at the local level and improvement of the quality in work of organizations at the local level. Be LOCAL project will enable the participants to acquire specific competences, skills and abilities to organize activities consisting of two methods of working with a local group - Living Library and Open Space Technology. The entire project is based ...
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Think Plan Act: Be entrepreneur of yourself!

Start date: Mar 1, 2015, End date: Dec 1, 2015,

Think Plan Act! Be entrepreneur of yourself "is a project of youth workers mobility that will involve 28 participants and 2 facilitators and 2 personal staff from 13 different Countries, program and partner Countries. The project will be implemented in the town of Palermo, from 6th to 14th April 2015 and find its origins in an analysis of problems and needs shared by all the partners in their terr ...
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Break the chain!

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

“Break the chain!” project was funded by Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF) through the Erasmus + programme and was implemented between September 2014 – October 2015. The project was a partnership between seven countries, Georgia, Italia, Moldova, Romania, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine, representing origin, transit and destination countries for human trafficking. The final obj ...
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The project aim is to improve the connectivity of the partner regions by reducing the number of cars on the road through empowerment of dynamic ridesharing systems to work together transregionally and connect to public transport. This will lead to higher car occupancy. a mobility shift towards public transport. and congestion relief. Today. carpool platforms provide a very limited offer in car ...
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The (international) youth work has been challenged with the discrimination phenomena taking place in the contemporary European societies. Irrespectively of being based any of the lines of differentiation, it is present in our daily lives and impacts ourselves and the communities we live in. Youth work can play an important role in conducting anti-discrimination measurements on a variety of levels ...
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Austenitic stainless steel is often used in the construction of critical pipework in nuclear power plant and petrochemical plant due to its resistance to corrosion and its high fracture resistance. Pipelines are usually constructed by joining sections of pipe together, using welding. These welds can host many types of defects that may go undetected if not inspected and in-service and under stress ...
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Privacy - Appraising Challenges to Technologies and Ethics (PRACTIS)

Start date: Jan 1, 2010, End date: Mar 31, 2013,

The vision that motivates PRACTIS is of a society that is aware of the evolving challenges to privacy posed by emerging technologies and is equipped to respond to them. PRACTIS will assess the potential impacts on privacy from emerging technologies and new scientific knowledge. It will propose ethical frameworks and legal procedures for coping with potential risks to privacy. It will explore novel ...
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Due to the increasing demand for renewable energy, a great deal of effort is being put into the development of tidal power generation systems. As these systems go in to commercial production and service, it is important to consider and develop inspection and condition monitoring techniques and systems. Condition monitoring of such systems could be used to greatly reduce the risk of failures and th ...
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"This project will develop an integrated system to monitor continuously the condition of wind turbine blades, without human intervention on site, using a novel integration of acoustic emission (AE) and long range ultrasonics (LRU). The system will use flexible light weight sensors. It will not be hardwired, deriving its power from energy harvested from the continuous flexing of the blade and trans ...
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High Energy Digital Radiography (HEDRad)

Start date: Oct 1, 2008, End date: Jan 31, 2011,

The project objective is to develop digital computed radiography technology for the volumetric examination of large scale safety critical pressure components (e.g. pump bowls, valve bodies, thick section vessel and pipe welds) for the detection of in-service defects, the presence of which could lead in catastrophic component failure. Energy sector businesses (e.g. oil & gas, petrochemical and ...
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The overall aim of the BALTIC+ project was to form a permanent political platform for co-ordination and management of spatial development strategies and actions in a macro-region consisting of Skåne in Sweden, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Berlin and Brandenburg in Germany, and Western Pomerania in Poland. Agriculture and forestry, tourism, communication and infrastructure as well as promoting collabora ...
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The overall, long-term aim of HiTrans was to achieve more sustainable transport in medium size cities and urban regions in the North Sea Region by facilitating the development of High Quality Public Transport. Therefore the project has intended to support the development of public transport schemes. Furthermore the project aimed to influence national and regional governmental policies and attitude ...
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The project E-VAL TESTSCAN builds upon innovative evaluative tools developed by the previously funded Leonardo projects CERN and E-VAL. CERN set out to provoke ideas in relation to research development and E-VAL built an electronic environment for putting these ideas into practice. Three evaluative project tools were developed under the CERN and E-VAL projects, namely Mentor; SPEAK (VET) and LUDOV ...
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Traditions through Games

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

This multilateral Youth Exchange called “Tradition through games” will be organized from the 10th to the 17th of March 2014, in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia. 24 participants and 7leaders from Armenia, Czech Republic, Croatia, Malta, Moldova and Georgia will be involved in the project. The main idea is to promote active citizenship through physical activities including traditional games, outdoor activitie ...
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VTeCOACH project aimed at developing a professional competences assessment framework addressed to vocational training learners that, based on the philosophy of coaching and a 360º evaluation system, provides specific action recommendations aimed at improving wicked competences. The project consortium covered the existing gaps on ICT-based methodologies for assessing the so called wicked competenc ...
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Following new LLP through the past years there’s a rapid growing of VET networks throughout Europe, with a strong tendency to interlocking educational activities across organisations and sectors. Apparently this shift towards multilateral and transversal cooperation in VET calls for new and innovative approaches to joint decision making, shared planning, coordinated implementation and quality cont ...
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