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CLICK – Technologies for education of youngsters
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 29, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The motivation which led to the development of CLICK proposal results from previous contacts and work groups established among the organizations involved (schools, youth organizations, public-private network and public bodies) where it became clear, in respect for actual and conventional youngsters education approaches, the urgent need to identify, develop and share new ways (methods, tools, approaches) to really attract younger groups to different learning facilities, but as well to stimulate among them concrete awareness, learning, knowledge and critical basic and soft skills acquisition. In straight connection, all partners agreed to build an European partnership (Portugal, Spain, Italy, Latvia and Scotland) that could address these common problems and gaps (that are generally not far from other national or European levels) seeking for so the following main objectives: > Supporting the production and adoption of Open Educational Resources, namely through the use of friendly, dynamic and widely accessible ICT, fostering the production of educational contents in different European languages, such as Latvian, Portuguese, Italian, Spanish and English; > Promoting the take-up of practical entrepreneurial experiences, initiatives, solutions and concepts in education and youth work, namely by supporting young people empowerment and concrete action in a crossed approach between educational needs, school curricular plans and respecting the full spectrum of youngsters’ ingenuity, creativity and particular interests; > Promoting the professional development of staff and youth workers, but as well the personal development of target groups, in ICT educational and pedagogic methodologies and tools, namely through the process of development and implementation of the CLICK model, but as well through the development and production of didactic contents to be spread under open educational resources; > Improving the attainment of young people, particularly those at risk of early school leaving and with low basic skills, by introducing innovative and more attractive educational resources in school and community context, which stimulates increasing levels of young people’s attention and learning motivation; > Promoting young people's social inclusion and well-being, besides knowledge and skills direct improvement, namely through the stimulation of empowerment, initiative, participation and leadership, but as well by contributing to solidify the school-community ecosystem (communities experiencing an active and open school, and school contributing to community enhancement). CLICK partners believe that simple practices can help changing attitudes and ultimately the regions in which youngsters are inserted. This underlying approach is the driving force behind all of CLICK’s products, including the CLICK web platform, the CLICK Teachings, the CLICK Clubs, and other CLICK initiatives focused in staff skills development. With this in mind, and with the intention of supporting teachers and learners around Europe, CLICK rely on a free global interdisciplinary educational model for teachers and learners. This model is also the home to CLICK Clubs, an exciting youth oriented program that aims to stimulate and praise the best ideas of students around Europe. Along 18 months period, the whole project activities (15 national and 4 transnational multiplier and training/learning events) benefited directly more than 500 youngsters, involving at least half with less opportunities, and a high number of youth workers, teachers and school staff (more than 300). Indirect beneficiaries, namely through communication measures and web based tools, a larger number of youngsters, youth workers and teachers was achieved.

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8 Partners Participants