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Education for foreign national inmates in the European region
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The FORINER project aims to provide foreign national inmates in European prisons access to qualitative, low threshold, certified learning opportunities provided by home institutions but received by the inmate in a foreign prison. To this purpose a structure will be designed and tested which allows education providers to inmates to reach out to their nationals in other European countries, with the same quality standard as the home offer. The ambitious idea is pursued that if each European country provides home education to their foreign national inmates, it will logically mean for each country that a better offer will be present for the foreign inmates in their own prisons. They will all be provided with access to education from their home land, in addition to the local educational offer they are provided with. The project aim is produced against the background of the legal and human rights (foreign) inmates have to education, even though they have been punished and imprisoned for the acts they have committed. The FORINER project builds on two highly innovative and ambitious aspects: ICT-driven solutions for distance learning in prisons and a Europe-wide network and structure for home education provision. Both innovations are being experimented with locally, but none have been piloted or tested on a larger scale. As far as we know these systems have never crossed boundaries. The main reason for this is probably the complexity of the issue, the safety question and the necessity of a broad base of consent of both local practitioners and policy makers throughout Europe. Therefore the FORINER project does not only focus on creation of the solution and piloting tests, but at the same time invests largely in creating a network of likeminded partners and setting up advocacy actions to promote the project idea and concept across Europe. The final goal of the project is mainstreaming prison education provision for foreign national inmates in all European prisons.

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