European Projects
Think Plan Act: Be entrepreneur of yourself!
Think Plan Act: Be entrepreneur of yourself!
Start date: Mar 1, 2015,
End date: Dec 1, 2015
Think Plan Act! Be entrepreneur of yourself "is a project of youth workers mobility that will involve 28 participants and 2 facilitators and 2 personal staff from 13 different Countries, program and partner Countries. The project will be implemented in the town of Palermo, from 6th to 14th April 2015 and find its origins in an analysis of problems and needs shared by all the partners in their territories at an international level: with the flood of youth unemployment in many European countries, the young people need to become entrepreneurs of themselves, to “cut” themselves a leading role in this society that is characterized by a state of employment immobility not only concerning an area, but extended to a real historical period. The comparison between the partners has also shown that more and more young people, especially those with fewer possibilities of discussion and sharing, tend to face employment problems in a static, passive way, probably due to the lack of awareness, inclination and mastery of personal skills and abilities, due to the lack of tools for analysis, development and implementation of ideas and actions to achieve specific goals. The non-profit organizations, in particular the ones working with youths are, in this view, powerful catalysts of energy and activities, and they can have an incredible multiplier effect and involvement. From this last awareness and from the self-evaluation done by the partner organizations of the need to improve and share their knowledge of actions and methodologies used to develop capacity for initiative and entrepreneurship of young people, they have defined all of the needs and issues that it is useful to treat through this project, and also thegoals shared by all the partners, that it is desirable to achieve with this project: the promotion of entrepreneurship among young people stimulating initiative, entrepreneurial spirit and creativity, endowing youth organizations and young people with tools, methodologies, and techniques to develop youth entrepreneurship projects in the social field , sharing and implementing tools and methodologies to bring out their hidden and inner skills , giving the tools to improve them and to make them come out, allowing to use them in practical action for personal and professional development, improving the skills of youthworkers and their associations in the design and implementation of international projects for the promotion of youth entrepreneurship in the social sector, to be submitted within the Erasmus program +. The process of learning, inspired by the European Training Strategy (ETS), is based on non-formal and informal methods such as the "learning by doing", work in groups, the exchange of good practices and specific workshops, sharing and constructive debates with young entrepreneurs, and activities that are designed to meet the training needs of individuals(educators, leaders of youth exchanges, youth workers) and indirectly also the ones of partner associations. The element of sharing of knowledge and ideas and learning from each other will be central in this context, the experiences of the participants will be placed at the center of the learning process and many activities are centered on the principle of mutual learning and based on equal and participatory methodologies. An important results of this project will be a manual of good practice, drawn up from debates and best practices emerged from the "Skill up session", as well as the creation of new project ideas on the topic of youth entrepreneurship that each partner put into practice in their country of origin to foster the entrepreneurial spirit and spread the content learned during the training