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Introducing Dynamic Ridesharing in the general NWE transport system towards a more efficient. sustainable and effective passenger transport network (NweRIDE)
Start date: Jan 24, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aim is to improve the connectivity of the partner regions by reducing the number of cars on the road through empowerment of dynamic ridesharing systems to work together transregionally and connect to public transport. This will lead to higher car occupancy. a mobility shift towards public transport. and congestion relief. Today. carpool platforms provide a very limited offer in carpool information. this in contrast with some marketing slogans used (e.g.: – claiming coverage in 40 countries: actually present in 8 countries. with basic service in 1 country). Trying to find an actual ride on current carpool platforms is like playing the lottery. The carpool solutions are also not able to deal with todays information needs: updated (second-by second) reliable information. and alternatives offered when there is no direct solution found. Travellers basically want a ONE-STOP-SHOP solution for planning a trip. NweRIDE will interconnect regional rideshare systems and connects them in turn to public transport – thus creating a source of information for one-stop-shopping. This allows dynamic ridesharing with cross border and cross platform matching with interconnection to the public transport system. Users can find rides in a larger community. creating higher probability of successful matching. and by connecting to public transport even higher probability to find a trip solution become available. We expect as a result a considerable move from car to public transport use. since ridesharing will offer first/last mile connection to public transport nodes. and public transport will offer reliable return trip solutions. NweRIDE also enables people to use their local -native language based ridesharing system to be used in every visited country getting provided with local ridesharing and public transport information. Achievements: Pilot 1 - international ridesharingField testing of the aspect cross platform and cross channel dynamic ridesharing: gathering connection experience between two regional ridesharing systems and explore the possibilities for cross North Sea channel shared travel. Region: UK-Scotland.Pilot 2 - Ridesharing connected to public transportField testing of the aspect public transport connected ridesharing: offering public transport information linked to rideshare systems, and gathering feedback from test users on how they use this information. Region: tri-country region around Maastricht: The Netherlands – Germany – Belgium.Pilot 3 - ridesharingField testing of the aspect ridesharing enriched by company environment electronic data: how can digital information from agendas, ERP (Enterprise resource planning) systems, websites,… automatically be used for better ridesharing? Region: France – Belgium (transborder commuters)More information is available under:
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  • 50%   1 016 831,38
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants