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Break the chain!
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Break the chain!” project was funded by Myndigheten för ungdoms- och civilsamhällesfrågor (MUCF) through the Erasmus + programme and was implemented between September 2014 – October 2015. The project was a partnership between seven countries, Georgia, Italia, Moldova, Romania, Sweden, Turkey and Ukraine, representing origin, transit and destination countries for human trafficking. The final objective of the project was the implementation of a European level awareness raising campaign on the topic of human trafficking. As specific objectives, we have pursued to: - inform the participants regarding the state-of-art of human trafficking at international and European levels, - inform the participants about the international and European legal instruments for fighting this type of organized crimes, - develop participant's skills and abilities to create awareness raising and information campaigns; - create an informal network of organizations/institutions who are willing to tackle and work with combating trafficking in persons. The project had three parts: 1. an international training course on the topic of human trafficking (November 2014, Romania); 2. a period of implementation of information and public awareness campaigns (January – June 2015, in all the seven partner countries); 3. a final seminar during which we presented and analyzed the local campaigns, evaluated the work done and planned future activities (June 2015, Sweden). THE FIRST PART OF THE PROJECT, the international training course on Human trafficking, took place in Deva, Romania between 23-30 November 2014 and brought together 30 participants from the seven partner countries. The objectives of the course were to acquaintance the participants with the topic of human trafficking and give them the space for creating two information and awareness raising campaigns (one for source/transit country and one for destination countries). THE SECOND PART OF THE PROJECT took part in the countries and the local communities of each partner organization. A series of local level events were organized by the partners between January and May 2015 and thus contributing to the creation of a European level awareness raising campaign on the topic of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. THE THIRD PART OF THE PROJECT was the final seminar that took place in Gothenburg, Sweden. The seminar was hosted between 6 and 10 May 2015 by Development Assistance Center. Ten representatives of the seven partner organization participated in the final seminar and worked together presenting the local level activities they implemented, explored the local and international networking and cooperation possibilities, planned future projects, evaluated the seminar and as well the whole project and reflected upon their involvement in the project. One working session was dedicated to learning and discussing other forms of human trafficking. The participants explored the topics of human trafficking for organs harvesting, forced labor (including begging and stealing), child brides, child soldiers and forced religious conversions. On 9th of May, Europe's Day, we have organized a public seminar on the topic of human trafficking for sexual exploitation. The seminar was hosted by the World Culture Museum (WCM) and was organized in collaboration with the WCM, Anna Lindh Foundation Sweden, Nätverk mot Trafficking, Män för Jämställdhet and Real Stars. The project proved to be a good starting point for local and international cooperation and an important learning arena where participants had a reach and successful learning process and where organizations have been benefiting from the good practices included in the project (ex. local activities).
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6 Partners Participants