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The project EMBRACE aims at structuring a transnational methodology able to identify, document and validate non formal and informal skills and competences acquired by immigrants in their original country – or in another EU State – in order to improve their opportunities and access into the European labour market.The project target group is thus made by immigrants coming from countries extra EU rec ...
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In this context of high youth unemployment rate in EU, VET with a strong WBL component is a mean enhancing the employment opportunities of youth. It is estimated that the demand for work based trainers and educators will continue to increase, and yet there is no single qualification that brings together the range of skills that these professionals need. Significantly, many occupationally and tech ...
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Skills Innovation Training

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018,

Skill IT is a transnational European adult education innovative strategic partnership which aims to develop, design and implement inclusiveness strategies for enhancing basic skills, in particular digital skills for specific adult groups -– adults with low level or no qualifications, those in low skilled occupations, unemployed, migrants and economically inactive, older people and least skilled. ...
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Flip IT! – Flipped Classroom in the European Vocational Education

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

One of the burning issues of today is how to improve the quality of learning/teaching in schools. Thousands of studies and scientific research has tried to reveal the best methods, and to formulate usable advice in order to transfer theoretical conclusions into the daily practice of our schools. A particular focus has been placed on European vocational educational (VET) schools and training centre ...
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Level up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project "Level-up! Workplace Tutor goes Europe" aims at increased professionalisation and improved qualification of in-company VET personnel as one of the key actors of vocational education. It will work at two levels, a) the practitioners level and b) the political level. At the practitioners level, it will provide an outstanding example of innovative training for in-company training personne ...
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KEEP 50+ Knowledge Exchange in Entrepreneurship for People 50+

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

The project KEEP50+ is targeting people over 50 years old, unemployed or facing a career change. This group often have a business idea but need support, education and training which fit to their needs, to transfer their idea to business. By offering a training programme for this target group it will motivate and activate them to make a new business from their ideas which will lead to increase job ...
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Start date: Oct 1, 2015, End date: Mar 31, 2018,

The necessity to equip the “potentially lost generation” with the adequate skills in order to ensure smart, sustainable and inclusive growth (EU 2020 Strategy) has been reaffirmed by the various strategies, initiatives and recommendations at the EU level. Research has shown that “teachers are the most important in-school factor affecting students’ outcomes” (TALIS'13). This has been emphasised in ...
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Drama for Change

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

• To conduct a period of research on current practice and needs in relation to education on equality, inclusion and anti racism each partner country • To develop a Training for Trainers curriculum that provides training for adult education facilitators in how to use drama and theatre to promote equality, inclusion and anti-racism. • To develop a Toolbox of Resources to accompany the ‘Training for ...
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WelComm: Communication Skills for Integration of Migrants

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

"WelComm: Communication Skills for Integration of Migrants" aims at raising awareness of the importance of education for social inclusion of migrants from early age and promoting opportunities for equal start in education. Migration and intra EU mobility remains a key topic in public and political debates across Europe focusing on economic immigration, irregular migrants and the integration of ne ...
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The economic crisis in Europe has caused that one of the priorities of the EU Member States is to work in order to face the consequences from the high levels of unemployment. These data are very negative in the case of population who are 30 years or under this age. The rates of youth unemployment are generally much higher than the unemployment rates of all ages. The group who is under 25 years old ...
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Objetivos principales:Mejorar la productividad empresarial en los sectores de producción de aceite, aceituna de mesa, y pastelería artesanal, desde un enfoque integrado (toda la cadena productiva), a través de la creación de un sistema de acompañamiento que identifique y refuerce la importancia de capital relacional en los procesos de innovaciónAcciones del proyecto:Todas las acciones están encami ...
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The TOOLBRIDGE project will undergo the analysis of existing tools and mechanisms for the recognition of informal and non-formal learning towards skills accreditation. Following this analysis the project will propose new or revised tools/methodologies for use by assessment and qualification bodies encouraging a more centralised European approach. The main sector to be considered is that of the con ...
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Being healthy is one of the most important preconditions for an individual to live happily and function normally in his/her everyday life. If an individual feels ill or suffers from a disease s/he goes to see a doctor and gets medical treatment. Migrants, however, who do not speak the host country language sufficiently, experience real communication problems when they need medical help. In times o ...
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"Innovation" is one of the current key issues on European level as well as in all partner countries. According to the aims of Lisbon strategy from 2000 EU is still losing ground on the United States and Japan in the field of innovation and R&D. Therefore, companies need to be encouraged to develop systemic approaches, new skills and competencies linked to the process of innovation, contributing to ...
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From the 90s, food industries have been submitted to structural changes derived from globalisation of the economy, introduction of new technologies, changes in the organisation of work, adaptation to environmental, quality and food safety regulations, which, in turn, have generated new needs of qualification and of vocational training. According to the information from Eurostat the producing indus ...
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The goal of the project is to propose an adaptation of the methods, devices, tools and implementation ways of Permanent Vocational Training (PVT) to the needs and characteristics of this group (rural women). It means to propose the best way to use programming and planning of PVT to reach the goal of entering and / or re-entering the labour market, and to adapt the management and methodology of tra ...
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Obschon gut qualifizierte Migrantinnen ein soziales und kulturelles Potenzial mitbringen und über zahlreiche Ressourcen verfügen, gelingt ihnen die berufliche Integration vor dem Hintergrund der vorhandenen strukturellen und effektiven Diskriminierung nur unter erschwerten Bedingungen. Das Verhalten der ArbeitgeberInnen sowie die fehlenden sozialen Netzwerke behindern eine Anstellung im gleichwert ...
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The complex requirements in today’s constantly changing structures in the labour market offer new challenges to concepts of work qualification. Practical connection and flexibility to adjust to the needs are becoming basic requirements for successful, effective qualification measures. For better teaching results employees should be seen as part of their companies rather than being considered as in ...
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The project EUCOLOG is a response to concrete qualification requirements in the immediate logistics sector as well as in logistical areas of other sectors (logistics as a key technology). A new strategy, combining training and qualification with continuous improvement, delivers rapid training results through in-company education measures that are derived directly from the working process. The SOLO ...
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The main aim of this project is the transfer of the innovation of the products developed in the Leonardo da Vinci project called Forecologia (ES/03/B/F/PP-149080)to farmers and consultants in organic farming, carrying out an adaptation to the reality of the participant countries and to e-learning training methodology. This transfer will achieve a huge impact over the target collective, to improve ...
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Since the end of the 90s, the food product sector (NACE 10, Manufacture of food products) has been constantly adapting to the demands of a market characterised by globalisation, technological and organisational innovation, pressure from retailers and health and safety, quality and environmental regulations (CIAA, 2009).Companies in the sector recognise that vocational qualifications are the most i ...
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Agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector shape a significant factor in the economy of any country that may eventually change the lifestyles of communities, make geographic location and influence the life expectancy of individuals and even in its physical transformation. The role of agriculture is crucial in producing high quality food, maintaining rural areas alive to protect the natural enviro ...
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The project "European Workplace Tutor" aimed at the transfer of an innovative and high-level qualification for in-company training personnel. Based on the outcomes of the former it's time project, it transfered and adapted the training programme "European Workplace Tutor". Issues such as permeability between educational sub-systems were addressed by transferring training content into a dual (unive ...
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One common problem of the current economic crisis is unemployment.Long-term unemployment means an aggravating factor of the problem. Apart from its social and economic impact, it affects social cohesion and it could hinder growth.One efficient alternative to face unemployment is self-employment. Entrepreneurship becomes an opportunity for independence and economic stability among members of the gr ...
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The ECVET-Trainer project proposed incorporating the results of Food-fit project (File:147627-LLP-1-2008-1-ES-KA1-EQF-2008-4524) in order to facilitate the understanding of the ECVET model by VET trainers and centres in the four key productive sectors of the EU (agriculture, industry, construction and services, see NACE codes below), taking into account the EQF levels 1 to 4 and the needs of impro ...
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Introducing learning to the workplace : The project identified a need for training in basic skills amongst workers. It has therefore produced a curriculum and training materials which have been evaluated by employers and trades unions and can be used in the workplace. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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EQF-Praxis and Information Network

Start date: Jan 1, 2011,

The EQF marks a new step for employees in Europe. Comparability and transparency will be important factors for the realisation of employee interests. Trade unions and training providers understand themselves as partners and counsellors of employees and their interests. To match this responsibility the employee oriented organisations have to build up expertise concerning the EQF and its functioning ...
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Training tomorrow's multi-media wizards : Europe is gearing up for the Information Society but who is going to provide the material to feed the growing appetite for multi-media products that this entails? Help is on hand with this project to train people to be competent to supply the content needed for CD-ROMs, web sites, DVDs and other software. Itself based on ICT and multi-media techniques, the ...
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The WOMBACK project addresses the issue of vocational training for women that having partially or totally left the labour market, normally for familial reasons, attempt to return only to find their skills obsolete. The project will propose an adaptation of VET methods, approaches and tools to specifically meet the needs of this target group. Activities will include a comparative analysis of the si ...
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Using the craft industry to help address the school dropout issue : All over Europe, the school dropout issue is fuelling the debate about reforming training in the context of compulsory schooling. The Inserart seeks to open up a new line of inquiry, by focusing on arts and crafts as the driving force for social integration. This project started in 2000 and lasted 24 months.
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The Lifelong Learning for Craftsmen project aims to develop the management skills of craft workers and workshop owners with a particular focus upon their training needs specific to the use and implementation of new technologies. Following an initial definition of the most relevant crafts professions across the partner countries and a decision upon the professions to be included in the current proj ...
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The labelling Europe Quality assessment of competences constitutes currently the only quality evaluation and approval instrument for the organisations which carry out competence assessments in Europe. Its rigour and exhaustive character makes it a particularly effective verification instrument. The objectives of the project are: to transfer and adapt to new operational / territorial contexts the g ...
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Nurture to serve nature : The project has created a network of organisations which aim to improve the quality of environmental training. They have analysed the current situation and have set up actions and project between partners, all with the common goal of improving vocational training in environmental education. This project started in 2003 and lasted 12 months.
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The project will focus on surveying and developing a system to provide information on materials that can be used through Open and Distance Learning in the field of Environmental Training. This will be based on the need to develop new approaches to Lifelong Learning in a transversal dimension related to the environmental sector. In this sense, the project intends to actively contribute to improvin ...
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EUROMEAT “ Transparencia de cualificationes en el sector de industria carnica de la Union Europea” tends to improve transparency of workers qualifications in the food industry particularly the meat industry which represents a large part of its activities. The partnership composed by 4 training institutions and 1 professional organization (from Spain, Germany, Italy and France) wants to realize a s ...
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The WORKAS project aims to increase the skills and competencies of employees working in care homes, which are often women with low or no qualifications. The project will design and validate a flexible, ICT-based 'training of trainers programme' in order to contribute to overcoming barriers to lifelong learning (working patterns, remote access) and further expects to have a multiplier effect on oth ...
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The CERTISKILLS project aims at implementing a certification system to enhance the transparency of training and educational experience in the handicrafts and commerce sectors. The project will undergo the development of a series of 40 skills dictionaries relating to the selected sectors (15 at secondary education level, 15 at higher education level and 10 at the level of continuing vocational trai ...
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The project aims to strengthen actions relating to the social and labour market inclusion of early-school leavers, particularly focussed upon countries where no current actions exist.Based upon a system of the exchange of experience and an analysis of existing inclusion programmes for early-school leavers, the project plans to develop, experiment, evaluate and validate experimental integration pro ...
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The project aims to reduce the number of dropouts in VET, across a range of training sectors, by developing and testing an ‘empowering’ pedagogical model for guidance and counselling. The model is based on a learner-centred approach to VET, which accommodates different levels of user education and offers a variety of 'best practice' in counselling support. The project targets people who are at ris ...
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The project aims at elaborating alternative models for parents with an educationaldisadvantage.The overall objective of the project is to offer the opportunity to educationallydisadvantaged parents to become responsible parents by improving their abilities,knowledge and skills related to the family environment.Specific objectives:- improving the family climate through better communication between ...
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