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Skills Innovation Training
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Skill IT is a transnational European adult education innovative strategic partnership which aims to develop, design and implement inclusiveness strategies for enhancing basic skills, in particular digital skills for specific adult groups -– adults with low level or no qualifications, those in low skilled occupations, unemployed, migrants and economically inactive, older people and least skilled. Skill IT will:a) address the issues of low levels of digital literacy and competency amongst adults who are disadvantaged and at risk of exclusionb) address stagnating participation in adult learning in EU countries through inclusive strategiesc) strengthen the partnership between local and regional organisations in partner countries working with the target groups of adult learners; d) increase digital competence and literacy amongst the hardest to reach groups in 7 partner countries using an innovative transnational approach involving local and regional adult education organisations, teachers, trainers and the adult learners themselves;e) improve and extend access to learning opportunities in accordance with Europe 2020, ET 2020 and Erasmus+ goals. Skill IT transnationality allows adult learners from different target groups and staff from partner countries to cooperate innovatively in order to design and develop an innovative ICT Education Model which will be tested within the 7 partner countries: Northern Ireland; Turkey; Czech Republic; Italy; Greece; Spain; Croatia.Partners will be involved in identification of the needs of their target groups-adults with low level or no qualifications, those in low skilled occupations, unemployed and economically inactive, migrants/refugees, older people and least skilled in terms of digital skills. ICT modules will be developed is response to these needs. Implementation and delivery of the ICT modules will involve the use of peer mentoring and partners will be involved in the identification of peer mentors within their target groups to complete a peer mentoring training course. All partners will be involved in the implementation of the ICT education model. Skill IT will be produced in an online tool box for future use by teachers, trainers, organisations and adult learners.The overall results of the project are:- Development and implementation of effective strategies to meet the digital needs of disadvantaged adults- Enhanced adults learners' ICT literacy and competencies- Promotion and cooperation between adult educators to increase disadvantaged adults participation in lifelong learning- Enhancement of transnational cooperation and networking between partner organisationsThe Skill ITproducts are:1) A Digital Needs Analysis Report of adults form the target groups within partner countries - 2) A ICT Competency profile in a table detailing the expected knowledge, skills, competencies and learning outcomes of the ICT educational model.3)Peer Mentoring Training Course for adults based on the competence profile including curriculum, course design and implementation 4) Production of ICT educational model - curriculum, course design and implementation.5)Skill IT Toolbox with guidelines, methods, training modules to enhance disadvantaged adults digital literacy and competency6) Promotion of exchange of experiences, further adapations of the innovation and transnational networking by integrating the local stakeholders of each partner in the project7) Skill IT website with all productsThe Skill It project will enhance the digital skills of adults who do not traditionall engage in ICT Training through lack of skills, fear or ability and are at risk of exclusion. Skill IT will create new inclusive opportunities for increased participation in lifelong learning activities. Skill IT will reconnect groups at the risk of exclusion to learning, to the labour market, to public services encouraging them to become more active citizens within their countries.
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6 Partners Participants