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TOOLBRIDGE - Tools for the Assessment and Recognition of Skills in the Construction Sector

The TOOLBRIDGE project will undergo the analysis of existing tools and mechanisms for the recognition of informal and non-formal learning towards skills accreditation. Following this analysis the project will propose new or revised tools/methodologies for use by assessment and qualification bodies encouraging a more centralised European approach. The main sector to be considered is that of the construction industry, featuring a large number of unqualified workers, many of which learn skills whilst on-the-job. A series of reports will be produced by the project covering: the state-of-the-art in Europe as regards assessment and the recognition of skills; the situation within the construction sector (particular to European qualification levels 1 & 2) and individual country reports on existing systems for the recognition of qualifications. A further toolbox will be produced by the project for use within the construction sector in the identification, assessment and validation of skills. All products will be produced in EN with the final project report being made available on CD-Rom and via the internet. Dissemination will take place throughout the project, with interim and final results being presented through national and international events aimed at particular target groups, to include social partners, assessment & qualification bodies and vocational training practitioners.
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