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Lifelong Learning for Craftsmen

The Lifelong Learning for Craftsmen project aims to develop the management skills of craft workers and workshop owners with a particular focus upon their training needs specific to the use and implementation of new technologies. Following an initial definition of the most relevant crafts professions across the partner countries and a decision upon the professions to be included in the current project, an analysis will be undertaken with regard to the socio-economic characteristics and influences on the target sector. A key skills mapping exercise will follow and will review skills attained through both formal and non-formal learning. Project partners will then determine the needs of the sector as regards management and ICT skills training and will develop a training framework and a series of training modules and support materials. The developed materials will be piloted across the partner countries with recommendations from the pilot phase influencing final product validation. The project will result in an outline profile of crafts professions as reviewed by the project, a series of national reports on the socio-economic characteristics of the identified crafts, a series of national and comparative skills maps for the crafts sector, a range of training modules for individual crafts profiles, a training of trainers manual and a report on the pilot training exercise in each participating country. The majority of materials will be produced in English and in the participating partner languages and will be made available in both paper and electronic (CD-Rom, web-based) format. Dissemination will rely upon existing partner networks throughout and beyond the project lifetime and will include the hosting of a series of national dissemination days followed by a final transnational conference,

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9 Partners Participants