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GreenFood: e-learning contents for training EU organic farmers

Agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector shape a significant factor in the economy of any country that may eventually change the lifestyles of communities, make geographic location and influence the life expectancy of individuals and even in its physical transformation. The role of agriculture is crucial in producing high quality food, maintaining rural areas alive to protect the natural environment and preservation of cultural values of that environment. Organic farming represents an efficient alternative proven in the context of the production of raw materials and high quality food. The importance of organic production lies in the progressive development of this activity in all EU countries. Production differences are clear in European countries, and the area devoted to organic fruit and vegetable production and olive production is located in southern Europe. The importance that the productions are in different countries has created the need for adequate training in this subject, aimed at farmers who wish to convert their exploitations into organic, and those who want to improve the ones they already have. The e-learning methodology has become suitable for training in agriculture, allowing flexibility in the learning process, making it more open and tailored to the needs and involvement of farmers. The project consortium has been balanced, its members have experience in European projects and cover all the aspects to be developed throughout the project: countries where fruit and vegetables and olives are important (Italy, Greece, Hungary, Spain and Portugal), organisations dedicated to training (CVT Georgiki Anaptixi, IFES), training in agriculture (ESA-IPVC) organic farming (AHOF, Biocert), a social partner directly linked to the sector (FITAG-UGT), and an expert organisation in implementing e-learning platforms (Formación 2020). The expected impact has been to increase knowledge, skills and competences of European farmers in producing organic fruit and vegetable oil to increase the competitiveness of exploitations and improving product’s quality.

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