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Flip IT! – Flipped Classroom in the European Vocational Education
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the burning issues of today is how to improve the quality of learning/teaching in schools. Thousands of studies and scientific research has tried to reveal the best methods, and to formulate usable advice in order to transfer theoretical conclusions into the daily practice of our schools. A particular focus has been placed on European vocational educational (VET) schools and training centres as the current economical crisis is forcing them to respond to identified demands: “increasing attractiveness, embedding stronger work based learning, enhancing labour market relevance, developing stronger career and education guidance, implementing teachers and trainers professional development. Recent educational studies often draw the conclusion that “the full potential of ICT is not being realised in formal education settings and that only a few innovative projects manage to survive beyond the early adopter stage and become fully embedded in educational practice.” (S. Bocconi, P. G. Kampylis, Y. Punie, 2012). Teachers are increasingly expected to be adept at a variety of technology-based and other approaches for content delivery, learner support, and assessment; to collaborate with other teachers both inside and outside their schools; to routinely use digital strategies in their work with students; to act as guides and mentors to promote student-centered learning. Students, along with their families, add to these expectations through their own use of technology to socialize, organize, and informally learn on a daily basis.” (The Horizon Report Europe: Schools Edition examines trends, challenges, and technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative inquiry, NMC, 2014). The long term aim of the project is to improve the quality of the vocational education and to engage a movement towards the work-based, collaborative and problem-oriented learning/teaching by utilizing the pedagogical potential of ICT tools by integrating the “flipped classroom” methodology into the pedagogical practice of the VET schools and training centers in the partner countries. The target group of the project are the teachers, trainers and students of the European vocational schools. We are convinced that “flipping the classroom” would be especially beneficial for the vocational education, where the schools are facing the challenge to meet the needs of the ever-changing labor market. The speed of technological evolution makes almost impossible to provide the vocational schools with traditional textbooks in time. Preparing learning materials for the students, the teachers have to take more and more into consideration the huge amount of information available on the Internet. How they can/should influence the students’ attitude of “being always connected” towards using the Internet for learning? How will be possible to exceed the limits of a Power Point presentation in the classroom? What kind of IT tools are the most effective for supporting the pedagogical work? “Flip IT!” consortium would like to promote the VET teachers in their challengesI In order to achieve the long term aims, we will utilize the results on FC methodology of the HE partners of the consortium, and transfer these results into the parctice of the vocational education. During the 36 months long project period we intend to add new components to the transferred methodology as well, like an FC curriculum and course for the teachers. As a consequence while we defined Hungary and Spain as target countries, the university partners can become the beneficiaries of the results as well, as they will be able to utilize the outcomes for further development of their present achievements. The main outcomes of the project are: Flipped Classroom Pedagogical Model and Practice for VET Flipped Classroom Curriculum for VET teachers Online Learning Content for Flipped Classroom Curricuum Online Community to for VET teacher and trainers for sharing FC Flipped Classroom Methodology in the Vocational Education Flipped Classroom Textbook for VET teachers In the consortium 10 partners will collaborate from five European countries; from Hungary, Italy, Spain, Ireland and from the UK - representing all type of organisations working in the VET sector. The consortium has all the theoretical background (research capacity) and the practical experience (creating online knowledge sharing communities, Web 2.0 based online content development) needed for the successful implementation of the planned objectives. To ensure the successful development strategy we will use PDCA-SDCA (Plan, Do, Control, Act, Standardise) methods. Following QMS, every product of the project will be controlled, verified and validated.

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9 Partners Participants