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COmmunity Nurse Supporting Elderly iN a changing SOciety (CO.N.S.E.N.SO)

Start date: Dec 16, 2015, End date: Dec 15, 2018,

Description (EN): European population’s ageing challenges health and social services. Cooperation in several welfare sectors is required, since the demographic change involves both health and social issues. CO.N.S.E.N.SO project accepts the challenge by developing a care model that puts the elderly at the centre of health and social services. It builds on the pivotal role of the Fam ...
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The goal of the project Educational spaces 21. Open up! is to help schools modernize their learning and teaching spaces, in order to better fit the needs and challenges of XXI century education. Most Polish and European schools are using a traditional school model which often hinders the student’s learning progress. Therefore, within the project’s framework an international team of experts (from G ...
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Lunch with Media

Start date: Feb 8, 2016, End date: Oct 7, 2016,

The idea of exchange "Lunch with Media" is to unite leaders of youth organisations, who seek to improve the quality of youth project dissemination improving competences of creative writing and public event organisation. The initiators of the project will analyse successful ways of dissemination of national initiatives, creative solutions, which attracted attention of society. During the exchange ...
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KA1 - Mobility of youth workers A1 - Mobility of youth workers - Programme and Partner Countries Type of Activity: Training Course Venue: Limassol, Cyprus Title of project: “Coaching Young Entrepreneurs - Providing Support in Making the First Step “ Project dates: 01 June 2015 – 01 January 2016 Activity date - Training Course date: 2nd – 9th of September 2015 Program Countries involved in this ...
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PBA "Next Step - Strategy for Inclusion"

Start date: Jan 19, 2015, End date: Sep 18, 2015,

The Partnership Building Activity "Next Step - Strategy for Inclusion" gathered 24 active project coordinators & youth workers from 20 NGO?s or associations involved in youth work (inclusive youth work) from Program and Partner Countries (Austria, Latvia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Macedonia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Slovenia, Russian Federation, Moldova, Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Albania, Kos ...
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lanning sustainable regional-Urban Mobility in the Alpine Space (PUMAS)

Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015,

Alpine Space cities face common urban mobility challenges which call for innovative and cost-effective mobility solutions. PUMAS offers these solutions: It coordinates the development of the sustainable regional-urban mobility planning (SUMP) concept which the European Commission strongly promotes and, in its 2011 Transport White Paper, even suggests as a mandatory approach. The PUMAS partnership ...
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South Baltic Training Programme (SBTP)

Start date: Apr 30, 2012, End date: Apr 29, 2015,

The project involves 8 Partners from Sweden (2), Lithuania (2), Germany (2), Poland (1) and Denmark (1). The partnership is composed of academic and VET (vocational education and training) institutions and business support /triple-helix organisations. The Partners are supported by 14 Associated Organisations (regional authorities, business supporting organisations, vocational education centres). T ...
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The EC has recently published the Proposal for a Regulation on Union guidelines for the development of the trans - European transport network -COM (2011) 650/2, that defines the long term strategy for the Ten-T policy up to 2030/2050 and proposes Corridors relevant for the SEE area. By creating a multilevel formed by Transport Ministries, Regions, Universities, Chambers of Commerce, transport stak ...
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The overall objective of the project is to stimulate and integrate the industrial design sector in terms of education and labour markets within the South Baltic Region (SBR) through conduction of joint activities devoted to transfer of knowledge and exchange of good practices. The SBR industrial design sector is dominated by small and medium sized companies with a high creativity potential and lit ...
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Innovation is a key driver of Europe's competitiveness and growth. However, young and innovative SMEs face bottlenecks when trying to grow. They are disadvantaged when it comes to attracting external financing if they cannot find equity since they do not usually have the track-record or collateral often required by financial intermediaries and banks. In today?s competitive markets, the use and pro ...
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APP4 INNO project sets as starting point the need of creating transnational networks among small and micro-enterprises capable to establish permanent innovation processes and to mobilise critical mass. To this purpose, it intends to set up a transnational competitiveness support system for exploiting the innovation potentials of the agricultural SMEs across the SEE regions, allowing to create the ...
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Cultural consumption is a knowledge based activity: cultural products and services are viable, only if they possess widely recognized values. SAGITTARIUS advances cultural consumption by communicating cultural values: from natural monuments and ecosystems to sites and collections, from the arts to traditions and handicrafts. Thus values of tangible-intangible, movable-immovable and spiritual herit ...
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 FINISHED designed to increase the cross-sectoral knowledge of all actors and improve the success ratio of technology transfer/business development by tapping into competence of regional networks, institutes and health care providers- WP4 will deal with enhancing regional and BSR wide care market access for SMEs by offering support in procurement practises and matchmaking between health care providers an ...
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Objectives of the operation are encouragement of entrepreneurship culture, foundation of new companies in the cross-border area and transfer of knowledge from academic sphere to economy. Beside that development of new services of project partners to improve services of university incubators, technology parks and development agencies for the purpose of implementing their mission. ...
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Within global competition cities need to win investors and create more and better jobs. The exploitation of creative industries, which have high, but often unrecognised potentials, contributes to the fulfillment of the Lisbon objectives on local levels. The challenges for creative industry actors are high (low capital endowment, poor networking, low external visibility), though they do not have en ...
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SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises in BSR and provide up to 70% of all jobs, being an important economic but also socio-cultural factor. SMEs present the biggest potential for job creation also in future. QUICK aims at unleashing this potential to its full extent by addressing the following challenges undermining the competitiveness of the BSR SMEs:- limited benefit from innovation processes an ...
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Across Europe the unemployment rate among young people under 25 remains high. Entrepreneurship learning adresses the challenge of youth unemployment thus meeting the goals of Lisbon strategy for Growth and Jobs. However, in Lithuania and Belarus social entrepreneurship is not considered a part of youth education and training in formal institutions. Therefore, young people do not posses attitude, s ...
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To increase the capacity of Croatian and Slovenian pupil/student–innovators and their competitiveness on the open market and to establish cooperation between pupil/student–innovators and the private and public sector in Croatia and Slovenia through facilitating of knowledge and experience exchange. ...
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INTERVALUE is rooted to the Digital Research Centre (DRC) of Central Macedonia aiming to contribute in the exploitation of academic research and other projects which has set the basis for its European expansions. We have experienced that cooperation between R&D supply and demand is quite a dynamic process stimulated by the current trends in business and the academia. Any long term concentration in ...
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Confronted for many years by a movement of rural exodus and by the aging of their population, the rural Mediterranean municipalities have become increasingly fragile due to a demographic decline, accompanied by a diminution of services and commercial enterprises, which all lead to a loss of their identity. However, the mobility of the professionals, the information and communication technologies ( ...
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Tisa Catchment Area Development (TICAD)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Feb 27, 2012,

The extraordinary feature of the TICAD project is the broad and productive transnational cooperation of local, regional, national authorities, planning and research institutions from all the five countries sharing the territory of the Tisa basin. Owing to this comprehensive and integrated partnership the aims of the EU water management policies and territorial development perspectives will be purs ...
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Capacity Building Project (CBP)

Start date: Feb 28, 2010, End date: Nov 29, 2011,

The South Baltic Cross-border Cooperation Programme runs from 2007 to 2013 with a budget of about 57 MEUR. The analysis of the last two application rounds showed that, although there is a strong interest and demand for funding cross-border co-operation, there is a significant discrepancy between the number of applying institutions and the number of successfully applying institutions. As a result, ...
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Sustainable Aggregates Resource Management (SARMa)

Start date: Apr 30, 2009, End date: Oct 29, 2011,

Aggregates (crushed stone, sand and gravel) are crucial for infrastructure and construction. SEE countries are rich in aggregates, but supply is not coordinated within or across the area. Challenges are illegal and damaging quarries, unreclaimed sites, limited recycling and community opposition. Fulfilling demand requires efficient and sustainable supply chain (planning, extraction, transport, use ...
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Adriatic Danubian Clustering (A.D.C)

Start date: Mar 31, 2009, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Thanks to the topic on clusters put for by the EU for cohesion and innovation strategy, the Adriatic Danubian Clustering (ADC) project is particularly suitable to give momentum to public support for entrepreneurial cooperation in the strategic productive sectors of South Eastern Europe. Even if a number of quite similar productive specialisation are existing among companies in the AdriaticDanubian ...
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Regional cooperation towards adaptation to climate change (REGIOCLIMA)

Start date: Sep 30, 2008, End date: Sep 29, 2011,

Societies have come to a point where they are asked to adapt to a changing climate irrespectively of the result of global mitigation efforts. To this respect, the overarching objective of the project is to assist societies to adapt to the new climate conditions both by minimising the risk of damage and exploiting the new opportunities arising from a changing climate. The action aims at enhancing c ...
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Whereas many West European conurbations are already efficient promoters of regional economic development for their surroundings, such "lighthouse functions" of city regions still have to be established in the CADSES area. CITYREGIO II bundles six second-order cities and their respective regional partners or national regional development authorities - depending on the national distribution of compe ...
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The project RegioMarket aims at developing and implementing a corporate sustainable branding and marketing strategy for the Alpine Space (AS) focussed on three core economic sectors, namely, food, services (tourism and gastronomy) and renewable energies. The strategy will consider existing experiences within AS in order to develop a best-practice approach. The latter will contribute to the promoti ...
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... European projects management and extensive network of contacts. These are three educational institutions (Cracow University of Economics, the Foundation of the Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Development) and two private companies (Inypsa and Noema).As result of eESPASE will create a new generalized model of supporting social entrepreneurs at European leve ...
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Europe needs entrepreneurs! In the foot path of the financial crisis there will be a great need for people ready to take off towards self employment, well prepared to develop their business idea in a strategic and confident way. Many young have great ideas that could be developed into new enterprises. It is however, for many, a huge step to take to become self employed and seldom do these people ...
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There are increasingly difficulties for young people with low or no formal qualification to get in employment. Nevertheless, those people still possess social and personal skills which are required at the labour market. For some jobs, such soft skills are even more important than formal qualifications.However, in many contexts assessing and certifying competencies is still a challenge. Such certif ...
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The FORCREST project aims at improving the employability of highly qualified young people in order to facilitate their insertion into the labour market. To do that the project will develop a set of innovative training tools focusing upon key technical skills particular to the environmental sector. The end results of the project will comprise a training needs analysis of the targeted group, a serie ...
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Increasing cooperation between enterprises and VET is highlighted in various EU and national policies. The most of the VET organisations are involved in this cooperation, however, they have focused mostly on operating with larger companies. Small and micro enterprises are not properly involved in this cooperation nor benefiting from it, even though approx. 91% of companies in EU can be classified ...
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The purpose of the project is to develop a certification system that would evaluate and accredit non-formal as well as informal training, which usually takes place on-the-job for the field of marketing that would interest marketing professionals. The target groups are marketing professionals without relevant certification, SME managers, and the unemployed. The project will provide the following ex ...
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Economic literature often puts the emphasis on the necessity of appreciation the value presented by the housework of women, especially during their parental leave. The study undertaken by the Institute of Sociology and Philosophy of Science (Poland) shows the perception of the household duties by men and women. For the question "Who am I?" most of men responded that the man (34.3%), and only in fi ...
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The tourism is a rapidly growing sector in Europe, the largest employer among all touristic activities, and makes a vital contribution to the economies of communities.The overall objective of the project was to enable young male working in the tourist sector with particular “foreign language learning resistance” to establish their “enjoying language” by increasing their interest and uptake of fore ...
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In spite of the European economy’s recovery, young people across Europe continue to face high levels of unemployment. To face this reality, “effective training programmes need to be accessible to all young people from across the Member States in order to ensure that they have the necessary skills to apply to a variety of positions in the EU. During these difficult economic times we need to unlock ...
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The successful participants will receive a European Certificate for Youth Workers of Non-governmental organizations. Further, the memorandum of understanding will be prepared to establish trust between partners on assessment procedures and learning outcomes of youth workers. The project web site and e-learning platform will be developed,provide information and materials for all interested parties, ...
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The proposed plan moves in the axis of promoting life learning and the valorisation of informal learning. More specifically it refers to the valorisation of qualifications that were acquired informally by executives of consulting institutions in the sector of the social economy with the creation of a certificate of European scope. The reason the specific plan was chosen is primarily for the enhanc ...
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The proposal aimed towards the development of an assessment system for for teachers/trainers, and other working with unemployed people and in particular with the aim to evaluate and accredit non-formal and informal education and training (knowledge, skills and competencies they have acquired through their experience).In the past years, social skills are more and more important to employers all ov ...
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On 9 July 2009, the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) issued the IFRS for SMEs. This Standard provides an alternative framework that can be applied by eligible entities in place of the full set of IFRS applied by listed companies as of 2005. The main purpose of our project is to develop an effective learning system to benefit accountants, entrepreneurs and even individuals with no pr ...
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