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lanning sustainable regional-Urban Mobility in the Alpine Space (PUMAS)
Start date: Jun 30, 2012, End date: Jun 29, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Alpine Space cities face common urban mobility challenges which call for innovative and cost-effective mobility solutions. PUMAS offers these solutions: It coordinates the development of the sustainable regional-urban mobility planning (SUMP) concept which the European Commission strongly promotes and, in its 2011 Transport White Paper, even suggests as a mandatory approach. The PUMAS partnership is a complementary consortium aiming to: advance SUMP – which focuses on participation, integration, evaluation, and cost internalisation – as a new paradigm in mobility planning; to develop, implement and evaluate 7 pilot actions using SUMP methods and tools; to generate best practices and lessons for others in the Alpine Space and beyond; to improve the awareness, exchange, coordination and development of regional-urban mobility plans (freight and passenger) through an innovative communication platform; and to create the Alpine SUMP Community and the Alpine Reference Point for SUMP, thus guaranteeing sustainability beyond the lifetime of the project. Achievements: The activities have been mainly related to the continuation of the communication strategy, the definition of methodologies for assessment and goal setting, the construction of the Alpine SUMP Community and the definition of strategies for the involvement of stakeholders in SUMP processes (subject of the next seminar). The updated website and Twitter account include news about PUMAS activities and events, while two issues of the PUMAS newsletter has been drafted. At the same time, a first exploration of the opportunities for interaction between PUMAS projects and EC initiatives like CIVITAS and Eltis have been made. All key activities concerning assessment and goal setting have been developed. An initial version of ASC Community have been created to collect feedbacks from the partners. Moreover, the partnership put the basis for the definition of strategies for the stakeholders and citizens' involvement in the processes of urban-regional sustainable mobility planning.
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  • 75.5%   1 998 808,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Alpine Space
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

10 Partners Participants