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Crossboarder Integration of Knowledge, Competences and Innovation (INTERINO)
Start date: Mar 31, 2011, End date: Mar 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Objectives of the operation are encouragement of entrepreneurship culture, foundation of new companies in the cross-border area and transfer of knowledge from academic sphere to economy. Beside that development of new services of project partners to improve services of university incubators, technology parks and development agencies for the purpose of implementing their mission. Expected Results: Implementing 8 regional competitions and 1 cross-boarder competition partners will achieve that 80 potential entrepreneurs will be educated to found a company ant for growth and development of their companies. They will write 80 business plans and established 20 companies. Others will present new 100 R&D institution in internet catalogue, that will connect this institution in the cross boarder area. With this tool will be connected SME with R&D with the goal to establish collaboration on the transfer technology field. During implementation of one international there will be resolved 2 business issues and established e-learning environment. Educated 20 participants and 14 professors to educate in e-learning environment. New methodology of, interdisciplinary and creative problem solving of business issues, will be transmitted into partners environment. Partners, institutions of supportive entrepreneur environment, will work closely together and established cross boarder supportive entrepreneur environment for companies, which will want to make business on the Slovene and on the Croatian market. With this focus they will develop 16 new services to support companies.
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  • 84.5%   677 570,06
  • 2007 - 2013 Slovenia - Croatia (SI-HR)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

7 Partners Participants