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Integration and education of students, graduates andSME’s in terms of industrial design management (Design EntrepreneurSHIP)
Start date: May 31, 2011, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective of the project is to stimulate and integrate the industrial design sector in terms of education and labour markets within the South Baltic Region (SBR) through conduction of joint activities devoted to transfer of knowledge and exchange of good practices. The SBR industrial design sector is dominated by small and medium sized companies with a high creativity potential and little business competence. A typical career path of graduate designes involves starting up their own business, such as a design studio, but the significant lack of entrepreneurial competences and experiences is an important problem. In order to facilitate a better integration of higher education and the labour market it is therefore necessary to educate management and economics graduates in the area of industrial design management and encourage the formation of entrepreneurial partnerships between students and graduates with complementary skills. The European industrial design sector is developing rapidly, but is still beyond the level of a mature branch. The objective of the project is to facilitate the integration and education of students, graduates and SME’s, as well as support institutions and universities, in terms of industrial design management and implementation within the SBR upon basis of a cross-border training programme. The main project activities include transfer of knowledge and exchange of good practices, as well as educational, training, informational and promotional activities. The project target groups are: students, graduates of art, design and architecture; students, graduates in economics, management, business, law etc.; SME’s involved in the industrial design sector. The projects results will include:the integration and knowledge exchange between a total of 5 partners from Poland, Germany and Sweden; the development and testing of a common training programme; establishing of a common strategy for future activities to ensure the durability of project effects; training of 90 persons; organization of an annual international creative mix event. The cross border impact of the project involves the establishing of a long-term cooperation agreement between project partner institutions leading to future activities devoted to the exchange of experiences and good practices. According to the UNCTAD “Creative Economy (2008)” report creative industries are the leading component of economic growth, employment, trade, innovation, and social cohesion in most advanced economies. To become a leader in this trend and achieve a competitive position among other parts of the world, the SBR needs to implement activities devoted to bringing out the positive aspects of cultural differentiation. Cooperation within the project will provide practical experiences in this matter. Achievements: A Prezi presentation promoting the project and summarising the project activities along 9 training sessions has been prepared. A Grand Showcase Model Design Implementation took place in Gdynia on 8-11th July 2014. During the final training session, a complete design management process was covered – it served as a model implementation of the methodology worked out during the project. The process was showed based on examples of 2 SMEs – one Polish, one German – both from different market sectors. Live implementation of design management process in front of open public who could observe the method step by step proved that the methodology works for any case study and environment, no matter what sector or country the company is from. The Open training session held a total of 43 guests in the audience area over the 4 days. A total of participants reached a total of 91 participants (43 external guests forming the audience of the Open Training session, 15 engaged speakers/ experts, 29 project participants, 4 project partners).In order to summarise the results of the Final training session, a promotional movie was prepared including the interviews with the participating speakers.The training session was followed by a 1-day conference finalising the project. The conference held a total of 22 representatives of SMEs who had a chance to discuss the Design EntrepreneurSHIP project results and to discuss common areas for future cooperation or extension of the project activities within the forthcoming 2014-202 programme.A publication entitled “Design Management Conceptualisation and Application. Handbook of Practices on Design Management into Business” was issued (a copy was posted to JTS. In the Progress Report it is marked as “Project Documentation Publication and Curriculum”. The title was changed for promotional purposes). The handbook serves as a manual and guidelines for SMEs from SBSR on how to implement design to gain competitive advantage.Documents within Component 5 as a result of which: - long-term strategy of integration and cooperation between higher education and labour market in the industrial design-related sector, within the South Baltic Region, was prepared- recommendations package for dissemination of project results and ensuring the durability of project results was suggested, covering - “Socio Economic Analysis of Design and Creative Industry” publication was prepared- Future Recommendation package was covered within the Long Term strategy and Evaluation.

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  • 78.3%   896 882,86
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

3 Partners Participants