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39 European Projects Found

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To help overcome barriers to the take-up of vocational guidance and counselling by disadvantaged young people, the project aims to develop a holistic and inter-professional counselling methodology. Total Counselling will develop counsellor-training tools and will further establish communication channels for counsellors to facilitate the implementation of these tools.Following an initial mapping of ...
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EUROPATHWAYS & EUROPASS will develop an outline mobility model to encourage innovative student pathways and placements within European companies as a means of promoting the use of EUROPASS training and improving the transparency of qualifications across Europe.Elements to be contained within the mobility model include; an outline concept of an innovative company (identified through its capacity to ...
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Das Projekt mit dem Kurztitel „searched –found“ basiert auf der Erstellung einer speziellen Diagnostik und anschließendem Testverfahren für Jugendliche im Ater von 14 - 21 Jahren und versteht sich mittels Internet-Plattform als Schnittstelle zwischen arbeitsuchenden Jugendlichen und ausbildenden Unternehmen.Ein weiterer Projektinhalt ist die Aktivierung von Unternehmen, die noch nie ausgebildet h ...
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Out of the workplace and back to school : The project has produced tools which aim at keeping adolescents away from illegal employment and preventing truancy. These are based on studies of good practices and experimentation of various strategies in a range of contexts. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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The aim of the project is to develop a dynamic online tool for use by career orientation teachers at schools and guidance counsellors. The tool will include up-to-date information on ICT professions and the associated formal and informal requirements, as revised and assessed by private sector representatives from the ICT industry. The updating of the tool contents on a day-to-day basis with the he ...
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The project targets the guidance and counselling sector with the purpose of increasing their understanding and knowledge about social disadvantaged groups and consequently increasing the participation of this particular group in lifelong learning. The beneficiaries are disadvantaged target groups such as socially disadvantaged groups, older unemployment individuals, immigrant women, ethnic minorit ...
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EuroguideVAL or «Implementing the Common European Principles through improved Guidance and Counselling based on a common framework for guidance professionals” Accreditation of prior learning (APL) becomes a major challenge within the EU as shows the number of projects linked to this one and the existing active virtual community of CEDEFOP which is also linked to the promoters. In this context the ...
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Career guidance without frontiers : In an attempt to give career guidance counselling a more multicultural and multilingual element, the project partners have produced an online glossary and a multilingual guidance book. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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In the frame of this project we developed innovative training in the field of professional orientation to meet specific needs in intercultural competence for trainers, advisers, social workers and contact persons to enterprises who are in direct contact with immigrants.The following products has been developed:a training programme that will be structured on a modular basis divided into face to fac ...
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The main aim of this project is to establish networks of cooperative ventures which exist at regional, national and European levels in order to create good quality European careers in the crafts and trades sector. In order to ensure that these networks become permanent, the project aims to put in place a platform for pooling expertise and exchanging know-how. This will be used to develop and disse ...
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In this project we developed innovative training in the field of professional orientation to meet specific needs for intercultural skills for trainers, advisers, social workers and contact persons to enterprises who are in direct contact with immigrants.The following products were developed:A modular training programme divided into face-to-face and blended learning units and project work consistin ...
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We are making a site for study and job counselling. The ‘tangible’ result is an interactive web portal, Career Counselling Web, CCW, It’s useful for young adults; individually, in a one-to-one interaction with a counsellor or in a group with a counsellor, for employers to plan for in-service training, individually or in a group setting in a company or in any organisation. The wa ...
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The tourism is a rapidly growing sector in Europe, the largest employer among all touristic activities, and makes a vital contribution to the economies of communities.The overall objective of the project was to enable young male working in the tourist sector with particular “foreign language learning resistance” to establish their “enjoying language” by increasing their interest and uptake of fore ...
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Die vorliegenden Untersuchungen zu den Effekten „Brain Drain“ und „Brain Gain“ zeigen eine fast ausschließlich wirtschaftsstatistische Sicht der Fragestellung. Betrachtungen aus arbeitsmarktbezogener Perspektive stehen in dieser Hinsicht zumindest im Hintergrund. Übergreifend kann festgehalten werden, dass der Begriff „Brain Drain“ in Diskussionen immer mehr an Bedeutung gewinnt. Dabei werden in d ...
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Developing entrepreneurship is a key objective for the European Union. It is a driver of innovation, development and the creation of new jobs. It is identified as a key competence in the Lisbon agenda.Enterprise is a talent we admire in individuals and applaud in companies. In a competitive global market, it is also a vital attribute for nations and for Europe. This project will take existing in ...
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The main goal of this proposal is to help carry out a homogenisation process of the set of tools and procedures destined to the subjects who deal with guidance in different capacities in the sector of the IFP (VTE), in the light of the wider European strategies and policies of Lifelong Guidance. In actual fact, such goal will be achieved through the transfer of a kit of quality tools and procedure ...
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With the project we will give all schools opportunity to step fast forward into proven system of self evaluation, supported with Internet software. Partnership is aware that first step is most important and very hard to do, since there is too many variables. QUTE self-evaluation system offer complete methodology with all necessary tools to start Quality assurance groups in schools and assure teach ...
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ECGC builds on MEVOC: MEVOC – the quality manual for educational and vocational counselling – is a practice-oriented, interactive online tool to identify and promote high-quality counselling ( ). It was developed within the framework of a Leonardo da Vinci pilot project (2003-2006) on the basis of all relevant international standards for career guidance counsellors. The MEVOC standard ...
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The network "ELL-Young Europeans Love Languages“ is a European Network aiming toraise the motivation of young people to learn foreign languages by offering an attractiveand joyful learning environment outside formal education.In order to achieve this, the network will:1. Facilitate the sharing of existing good practice of language learning conceptsin combination with sport, cultural and entertainm ...
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Many European countries, Slovenia among them, are tackling the problem of early school leavers. It has been shown that leaving school early is an indication of social exclusion in later life. Even school leavers that complete compulsory education and obtain minimum qualifications face the problems obtaining work in a decreasing job market where often even poorly paid work demands higher skills tha ...
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An equal footing for women and men : The project identified a need for a European network that assesses gender mainstreaming strategies in numerous countries. By informing people about gender equalty, the project contributes to gender mainstreaming in vocational guidance and qualifications. This project started in 2002 and lasted 36 months.
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There has been a number of successful European projects, still being used by vocational guidance counsellors, on target groups with labour market difficulties. These include migrants, refugees, older and younger people, women, low-paid workers and, more generally, people at risk of social exclusion. There is, however, a very large group that cross-cuts all social groups: victims of abuse, both me ...
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Moving at Labour Market

Start date: Oct 1, 2010,

Mobility has become an important policy issue in the European Union. The Report on the Concrete Future Objectives of Education and Training Systems (Stockholm European Council, 2001) indicated guidance to facilitate mobility for learning and employment in Europe as a priority area for development. Career counseling and guidance are especially important for job seekers that have limited access to o ...
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Although female representation in IT and economy courses has generally increased, it is still a common European challenge that socially disadvantaged, low-level educated women show low participation and retention rates for these subjects (EUROSTAT 2008). This leads to barriers: Reduced participation in a wider society, reduced access to information, reduced chances on an increasingly demanding lab ...
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Bringing together partners from Sweden, Italy, Romania and the UK, the Ariadne project examined and formally structured assumptions relating to internet-based educational and vocational guidance and further created a platform able to support the development of all such web-based guidance tools. The primary result of the project was a series of guidelines which confirmed key arguments and theories ...
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Guidenet will establish a network of expertise in the field of Vocational Guidance. The network will operate through four separate tiers: Contractor, Core Partner, Permanent Relay Point and Occasional Correspondent and will bring together the expertise of all contributory partners. The network will act as a core information point and centre of expertise drawing upon the position of individual part ...
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The ERGO-IN-NET project aims at improving the European dimension of guidance through the widespread dissemination of training methodologies, materials & tools and information resources, able to be used by the European Guidance counsellor. This dissemination is to be assured through a series of networking activities involving different actors at the European level (Universities, members of the Leon ...
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The GIRC project aims at designing and experimenting a model of guidance services focused on European mobility in order to support local guidance services’ centres on this aspect. This model’s aim is to improve the access to vocational training, education and job at European level and by this way contributing to ameliorate quality of VET. As a first step, the project will focus its attention on th ...
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The project aim is to develop a dynamic onlinetool to be used by career guidance teachers at schools and guidance counsellors. The tool will include up-to-date information on ICT-professions and the corresponding formal and informal requirements revised and valued by representatives of the private economy of the ICT-sector. The fact that the tool contents are revised on a day-to-day basis with th ...
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European ageing might be an opportunity if we´re able to use the great knowledge mass generated by our elder. Activating them socially, allowing transference of this knowledge is the best way to create value basing on sustainability and knowledge & boosting the role of elders inside inclusive society (European Strategy 2020). It´s necessary the IMPLEMENTATION of systems for RECOGNITION&VALIDATION ...
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The QUTE project will develop a quality assurance package for VET schools, responding to the fact that, competition between VET schools to attract students, means that high quality courses must be offered in order to compete. The project aims to build upon existing self-evaluation quality assurance indicators for learners, teachers and headmasters in VET schools, will compare delivery of quality a ...
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This project is a response to address the decline of uptake of science subjects at schools and subsequently at university. New contents and findings particularly point out to the need for new training of professionals in using informal methods of teaching in science, rather than disciplinary and formal methods. The project goal is to develop, through a pilot action, a European model of interventio ...
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Guidance for a rewarding work placement : By undertaking case studies and surveys the partnership has come up with a framework and competency units which are useful for both students and employers. These tools will ensure that work placements provide students with the kind of skills needed to enter the labour market. This project started in 2002 and lasted 34 months.
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The project intends to improve the Guidance and the Councelling in secondary education towards a Carrer Guidance direction to develop entrepreneuriat skills in young people. The best way to obtain empowerement and self-esteem in students is through practice and experience in cooperating with mentor companies. Through this cooperation students will get the opportunity to achieve individual carrer g ...
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Recognising the difficulties faced by older people in the labour market, coupled with the reality of Europe's aging population and the need to attract/retain workers, the project will address vocational guidance needs among the older population. The project will collect, analyse and disseminate information with regard to the vocational guidance needs of older people and will further review the ap ...
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The project aims at developing a system for verifying the quality of lifelong learning provided outside the formal school system by developing, disseminating and strengthening a European Quality Mark for non-formal training providers built on tested quality indicators and commercially sustainable procedure for managing and awarding the mark. Target groups include non-formal lifelong learning provi ...
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Encouraging the mobility of young people through placements in companies : TRANSIT aims to improve the support of young trainees when they go on a placement in a foreign company. Its website offers 5 training modules and practical guides for the people concerned. This project started in 2001 and lasted 30 months.
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A virtual European guidance community : The Guidenet project establishes a transnational network of expertise to gather together guidance initiatives, evaluate and comment upon them and to disseminate them as widely as possible within the guidance communities in Europe. Project website and ICT platforms serve as a discussion forum for network members. Registration online is open to individuals and ...
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