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Total Counselling: A comprehensive (holistic) and immediate counselling for young people

To help overcome barriers to the take-up of vocational guidance and counselling by disadvantaged young people, the project aims to develop a holistic and inter-professional counselling methodology. Total Counselling will develop counsellor-training tools and will further establish communication channels for counsellors to facilitate the implementation of these tools.Following an initial mapping of both young people's needs and current guidance and counselling practice in the participating partner countries, project activities will include the development of a manual of good practice (highlighting different needs areas); the development of training materials relevant to a range of different professionals and the introduction of a dedicated project website. The end methodology will be publicised through printed materials to national guidance and counselling networks and via a series of seminars with the focus upon introducing the approach and supporting materials to relevant guidance professionals.Further national dissemination will include mailings and presentations to the target sector with all end being available free-of-charge via the project website. European-level dissemination will make use of existing transnational guidance and youth information networks and will include a final project conference.
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4 Partners Participants