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Young European Love Languages

The network "ELL-Young Europeans Love Languages“ is a European Network aiming toraise the motivation of young people to learn foreign languages by offering an attractiveand joyful learning environment outside formal education.In order to achieve this, the network will:1. Facilitate the sharing of existing good practice of language learning conceptsin combination with sport, cultural and entertainment activities2. Create a toolbox containing a proposal for introducing language learning inother social, cultural and sport activities directed to young people3. Promote awareness of the importance of cultural and linguistic diversity inEurope4. Enhance the collaboration between trainers and tutors of non-formal educationinstitutions, cultural, sport and social institutions, key actors for lifelonglearning, national and European language learning networks and socialpartners.The outputs will be:a) A virtual documentation centre integrated in the project's website, languagesof the website: EN, DE, BG, ES, IT, LV, NL, NOb) Handbook How to implement best practice in the following languages: EN, DE,BG, ES, IT, LV, NL, NOc) 6 Newsletters; in the following languages: EN, DE, BG,ES, IT,LV, NL, NOd) Thematic seminarse) International Conferencef) Demonstration events focusing on dissemination of the project activities andforeseen results, venues: AT, BE, BG, DE, ES, IT, LV, NL, NO, UKg) Publications about project activities and foreseen results in national languageof partners and in English.Impact envisaged:The network will promote foreign language learning for young adults outside formaleducation by enhancing new attractive learning concepts.

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