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23 European Projects Found

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New Models in Work-Based Learning

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The aim of our project is to: - increase public awareness of work based learning models. - strengthen relationships among and within all sector stakeholders' groups. - fortify links between all actors working and interacting cohesively and collaboratively to create greater effectiveness of work based learning. - reinforce a dynamic and effective communications network. These goals we will achieve ...
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DEQA-VET- Vorhaben

Start date: Apr 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017,

DEQA-VET is preparing a study until March 2016, which shows how quality assurance and development of work based learning in the German VET system works.Additionally, DEQA-VET wants to bring out some measures and activities, which will have the following aims:- To increase the transfer potential of the study results at national and European level and to support the EQAVET work program.- The results ...
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The Project “FITT: Forma il tuo Futuro”, is embedded in the recent Italian Reform of the Apprenticeship, the Decree n. 167/2011, that identifies apprenticeship as the primary tool for promoting the work of young people in order to create an inclusive and dynamic labour market.However, like in any major reform, the implementation of such changes have not proven easy, even though the economic crisis ...
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Today, a broad diversity of apprenticeship systems in EU Member States exists. Some countries benefit from well-functioning apprenticeship systems while others’ systems require improvements. EU Members States have apprenticeship systems which could be characterised as mainly company-based. However, the distribution of company- and school-based training in main national programmes varies greatly: f ...
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Reason for the projectThe Slovak Republic is facing an increasing demand for and shortage of skilled workforce in the manufacturing and automotive industries. Due to demographic developments as well as the discontinuation work-based training models during the transformation period, there is no replacement for qualified workers leaving the labour market. This trend is accompanied by disturbingly hi ...
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The Francophone Belgium decided to implement a reform of its alternating systems. This reform has as overall objective to ensure the quality of the learning sector, to harmonize the statutes, to improve the reception of young, to reduce dropouts and failures and allow real permeability between systems. To do this, a single management and harmonization of practices were decided through the creation ...
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Portugal has been promoting a strategy that aims to strengthen the dual vocational education and training systems. The promotion of a dual certification is due to two main factors: the persistence of high levels of early school leaving in the EU context (% of young people aged 18-24 with at most the secondary education and not in education or training in 2013 = 19.2%, and 11.9% in UE28 - EUROSTAT) ...
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In order that vocational education and training systems can deliver the foundations for a job-rich recovery there is a shared recognition among Member States and at the EU policy level that there is a need to modernise VET systems and learn from best practices in dual based VET systems and approaches. At a Conference held in May 2014 – organized by CEDEFOP, countries were invited to consider what ...
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Introduction of Elements of the Dual VET in the Slovak Republic (INTVET)

Start date: Dec 31, 2013, End date: Sep 29, 2016,

This project serves, on the one hand, to work out proposals for the changes that will be necessary in the Slovak Republic in order to allow a greater dualisation of vocational training. One basis for working out these proposals is a SWOT analysis carried out for the various vocational training systems of the project partners.An analysis of the requirements of companies in the Slovak Republic is in ...
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The European class will be conducted in the form of European student mobilities à 2 weeks including both training and work placement. In doing so, the project will tackle the following main identified problems:Interest gap – Few youngsters in Europe are interested in VET, especially not in industrial technology, as they find it a low quality option. Opportunities to study and work in an internatio ...
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The EU faces an ageing population and fewer youngsters entering the labour market. In addition, the competence level required by the labour market is increasing due to technological innovation. Being aware that Europe has 76 million low-qualified people it is obvious that there is an enhanced need to further train and re-skill employees. This is in line with the recommendations of the New Skills f ...
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The DISCO project aimed at the development of a tool that supports the composition of European CVs, Mobility Passes, Diploma Supplements and other transparency instruments and competence profiles. A multilingual professional dictionary for vocational skills and competencies was developed and offered in seven European languages (English, Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Swedish) in the ...
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The project is planned for a duration of 24 months starting probably in October 2004. Main target of the project is to develop a set of criteria and a rating scale for security staff qualification (including training and experience) to provide transparency and comparability on an international level. The rating is foreseen to be the basis for reciprocal acknowledgement of national qualification un ...
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An occupational profile for the recycling industry : This process has elaborated an occupational profile for the recycling sector which facilitates the drawing up of a vocational training programme. This programme can be integrated into training systems throughout Europe. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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A company management board game : The project has produced a board game in which students take charge of companies and learn about successful management practices through playing the game. This project started in 2002 and lasted 24 months.
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Industry-wide qualification in the EU : The international BASICON project is developing pan-European coordinated instruments for qualification as well as for the determination and comparison of existing qualifications in seven languages. This project started in 2000 and lasted 36 months.
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Project contentThe multiplier project BASICON II targeted the transfer,adaptation and implementation of the comprehensivepackage European Construction Essentials, successfullydeveloped in the BASICON project, in the Europeanconstruction training sector. The project alsoaimed to produce new means for the proof of skills, certificationand modular qualification in vocational trainingin the CEECS coun ...
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Making sense of statistics : The wide-ranging survey, Continuing Vocational Training Survey 2, undertaken across the whole EU and the accession countries, provides a wealth of statistical information about the state of Europe's vocational education and training systems. However, for this data to be meaningful, a detailed analysis and evaluation is needed. This project has delivered this analysis, ...
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The professional competences of the about 1 million care powers working from East European countries in Western Europe particularly usually do not comply with the standards demanded there at admission to the (west) European labour market. Became the competence standards in the sector of "geriatric care" which are in the project developed and evaluated• the project partner formulated in the nationa ...
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Development of a tool for a unified pan-European evaluation and certification of professional competencies of security staff which can get acquired by formal as well as informal learning.As basis for standards urgently needed for the international comparability of services criteria for the evaluation of professional competencies of security personal shall be provided adjusted to the framework of ...
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The design and development of electronic curricula and contents supporting e-learning require manifold, interdisciplinary knowledge. In addition to professional and pedagogical-psychological knowledge, the knowledge of IT is also important (also for theoretical content developers) and it is indispensible to have certain social competencies, such as cooperation, managerial skills, etc.With the rapi ...
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The project has long been proposed in the Working Group ‘VocationalEducation and Training’ of the FIEC-EFBWW Social Dialogue in theconstruction sector. It will investigate possibilities, means and problemsassociated with implementation of the European QualificationsFramework (EQF), the European Credit System for Vocational Educationand Training (ECVET) and the development of a sectoral qualificati ...
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The ACT project will contribute to reduce the mismatch between new jobs and existing skills in the agricultural sector and to improve the agricultural curriculum design and delivery by innovative VET services and broad dissemination throughout whole Europe.The main objectives of ACT are: • To analyse the current situation of skills needs and the state-of-the-art on different approaches for strengt ...
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