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National Authorities for Apprenticeships: Development of Strategies for Dual Vocational Education and Training
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Portugal has been promoting a strategy that aims to strengthen the dual vocational education and training systems. The promotion of a dual certification is due to two main factors: the persistence of high levels of early school leaving in the EU context (% of young people aged 18-24 with at most the secondary education and not in education or training in 2013 = 19.2%, and 11.9% in UE28 - EUROSTAT), despite clear progress in recent years (2003 = 41.2%) and the country a goal for 2020 to reach 10%; the high rate of youth unemployment (36.1% in April 2014, 13.6 percentage points above the average UE28 - EUROSTAT), often with a high proportion of young people (15-24) who are neither employees, nor in education or training (NEET young = 14.2% in 2013, Eurostat).In this context, the number of young people covered by this measure has been growing and is now around 45%, at the secondary level. However, it has not yet reached the threshold of at least 50%, which is the target for this purpose. The project will have the following key objectives and main expected outputs:• Create a mechanism for continuous adjustment of training provision to the needs of the productive sector, mobilizing employers to a digital, systematic interaction with the providers, public and private, through an online portal;• Promote a device for adjusting the assessment of the quality of training, both at the level of the development of young people competences (technical and transversal or noncognitive (soft skills)), as at the employability level;• Train and certify trainers and tutors, in particular through the mobilization and participation of more companies of national and international reference operating in Portugal.• And but not least, it is important to predict the impact of the social reinforcement of the image of this type of education / training: At the orientation and vocational reorientation of young people in the school context (scientific-humanistic education) or NEET (Not currently engaged in Employment, Education or Training) through earlier interventions and, to index this offer as a 1st choice since; in combating failure, school dropout and absenteeism as well as enhancing the skills and employability of young people, given that unemployment in this age group in Portugal is situated approximately 12% above the average UE28.The target groups of this proposal are the young people in apprenticeship systems. There are also expected benefits for all the technicians and trainers involved, specially the training tutors in the enterprises.This project intends to contribute, on the one hand, to increase the number of youths and employers involved in the apprenticeship process, contributing to the prevention of early school leaving and increasing the proportion of young people opting for this type of training, as well as to reduce youth unemployment and NEET young people in the context of the National Implementation Plan for the youth Guarantee (PNI-GJ). On the other hand, it will contribute to the extension of this method by promoting an increase on quality, in terms of skills development and, in particular, the skills that meet the needs and expectations of the labor market and young people and their families.
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