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National Authorities for Apprenticeships: Introduction of Elements Dual VET Slovak Republic
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Jan 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Reason for the projectThe Slovak Republic is facing an increasing demand for and shortage of skilled workforce in the manufacturing and automotive industries. Due to demographic developments as well as the discontinuation work-based training models during the transformation period, there is no replacement for qualified workers leaving the labour market. This trend is accompanied by disturbingly high youth unemployment up to 34% in 2012. This is a clear indication of a skills mismatch, pointing to the need to improve relevance and quality of the VET system.Aims and objectivesThe project wants to respond to this unsatisfactory situation. It wants to contribute to modernise VET in Slovakia and with it to give a stimulus to the countries of the Danube Region. Due to the current difficult labour market situation the countries are looking for ideas for sustainable, work-based dual VET in order to reduce the unemployment rates of young people and to be able to strengthen the economic performance.To achieve these goals, the project aims to1. Promote a national VET system reform2. Set-up of a competence center for dual VET (Danube Academy)3. Mobilize SMEs and companies for dual apprenticeships4. Implement an experience exchange for apprenticeshipsOutputs, results, productsThe main outputs, results and/or products of the project will be:1. 1 report containing the results of an employer survey among companies in order to identify the labour market needs for technical apprenticeships2. 1 report containing a review of Slovak legislation and VET pilot activities, especially an analysis and review of the new Slovakian TVET law and implications for technical apprenticeships and an analysis and review of Slovakian VET pilot schemes as well3. 1 action plan for setting up a Danube AcademyTitle of the projectPage 3 of 274. 1 training concept, 5 pilot trainings for teachers and instructors5. The establishment of a community of practice6. 1 exploitation / sustainability strategy7. 1 transfer / commercialization / sustainability meeting to implement the exploitation and sustainability strategyTarget groupsThe project is addressing different relevant stakeholders to promote a sustainable and demand-driven VET system in the Slovak Republic. This includes addressing the enabling political framework (policy level), the involved intermediary institutions and reaching out to the direct beneficiaries of improved training conditions. Hence, the main direct target groups are:1. Policy and decision makers, public authorities at national level2. Chambers/associations and human resource development personnel in SMEs3. VET students, VET providers, teachers and in-company trainers4. Social Partners, public employment services and other VET stakeholdersImpact envisagedThe project aims to contribute to a comprehensive VET system reform both in terms of consolidating system-level requirements for the introduction of apprenticeship schemes in Slovakia and by promoting pilot experiences in the manufacturing sector. By increasing the quality of work-based learning for the future workforce the project can contribute to the Europe 2020 strategy and the Bruge Communique. Concrete impacts of the project shall be:1. Fostering the national VET system reform2. Establishment of a Competence Centre for dual VET (Danube Academy)3. A stronger and sustainable mobilisation of SMEs and companies for dual apprenticeships4. An ongoing experience exchange for apprenticeships

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