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Forma il Tuo fuTuro! increasing the quality of apprenticeship for vocational qualifications in Italy
Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project “FITT: Forma il tuo Futuro”, is embedded in the recent Italian Reform of the Apprenticeship, the Decree n. 167/2011, that identifies apprenticeship as the primary tool for promoting the work of young people in order to create an inclusive and dynamic labour market.However, like in any major reform, the implementation of such changes have not proven easy, even though the economic crisis has undoubtedly had a role in the sharp decrease of apprentices. In Italy, and more acutely in the Regions of the North East (such as in the Veneto, where this project intends to test improvements) the contraction of apprentices – in some case the number has halved in the last three years -has been recorded by regional and national statistics.In this context, FITT focuses on improving of the pathways that can benefit from the school-work alternance, by providing new pilot initiatives focused at promoting traineeships and apprenticeship opportunities for students enrolled in the final year of lower secondary schools and introducing the most performing elements and best experiences coming from the dual systems in countries such as Germany where the system has a very good performance and positive impact on education and employment.To create a greater impact on policy and transferability of results the project insists on a relevant sector, namely the food and hospitality sector, where VET has a great role in creating qualifications and competences and it is significant because it refers to the services and tourism sectors, which are important tenets of the Italian economy.The Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs has delegated the Veneto Region and its technical agency Veneto Lavoro to cooperate with the German partners in a project that intends:a. to bring together a number of relevant stakeholders to learn from successful approaches and schemes, to the aim of integrating them in the ongoing reform,b. to design and test a pilot scheme – embedded in the reform and improved with elements of successful dual vocational training practice - providing an initial assessment and recommendations with a view to integrating the added-value elements into the general reform;c. to contribute to the improvement of the National and EU apprenticeship policy, by promoting the project at the National and EU level, the European Alliance for Apprenticeship and other platforms.The pilot will focus on: in-company trainers qualification; company quality assurance apprenticeship brand; excellence sectoral VET centres; experimental multi-company apprenticeship for qualificationThe target groups of the project and the pilot scheme are : VET bodies and professionals, to build their capacity to deliver quality training and effective support to SMEs; social partners to strengthen their role and facilitate transfer to other sectors and/or regions; SMEs, to support them in playing a more robust educational role and quality of their contribution to development of young human capital.The model will likely impact regional and national systems by tackling the whole value chain of VET and employment, as tools are planned to be mainstreamed in VET and apprenticeship schemes, aiming at embedding the tested tools/method into the national and regional system.
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