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Agricultural Alliance for Competence and Skills based Training
Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

The ACT project will contribute to reduce the mismatch between new jobs and existing skills in the agricultural sector and to improve the agricultural curriculum design and delivery by innovative VET services and broad dissemination throughout whole Europe.The main objectives of ACT are: • To analyse the current situation of skills needs and the state-of-the-art on different approaches for strengthening the employment and the vocational education and training in the agricultural sector in Europe • To create a harmonized competence model applicable for the description of job profiles (JP) and for the description of training opportunities (TO) • To collaboratively develop a training curriculum following the ECVET principles and addressing agricultural training needs • To develop the "Pathways for Agricultural Competence and skills based Training (PACT) Framework based on EQF and ECVET and translated in all partner languages• To disseminate the concept and providing guidelines, instruments as well as technical tools for the "Pathways for Agricultural Competence and skills based Training" (PACT) Framework • To develop and launch a "Pathways for Agricultural Competence and skills based Training" (PACT) portal for the agricultural sector which allows matching emerging job profiles and existing training opportunities • To prepare and implement pilot testings by validation and training seminars in all user countries• To issue the PACT handbook in all partner languages to facilitate the transfer to further agricultural job profiles • To design, launch and issue a European award to recognize excellent training opportunities in Europe • To promote ACT results and create policy recommendations.ACT expects to increase the number of upskilled employees in the agricultural sector and aims at providing innovative instruments and modulised trainings based on EQF and ECVET by its strong Agricultural Alliance for Competence and Skills based Training.
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7 Partners Participants