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EURIAC- European Class in Industrial Automation
End date: Aug 6, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European class will be conducted in the form of European student mobilities à 2 weeks including both training and work placement. In doing so, the project will tackle the following main identified problems:Interest gap – Few youngsters in Europe are interested in VET, especially not in industrial technology, as they find it a low quality option. Opportunities to study and work in an international environment will not only make existing VET pathways more attractive, they will also increase the students’ employability both at a national and European level.Knowledge gap – Due to the rapid technology shift in industry - causing multi-skills needs in industrial automation - and the lack of communication and cooperation between VET providers and the industry a mismatch on industrial skills needs and the learning outcomes of students in VET has arisen. Industry claims students are poorly educated and due to that not employable.ECVET/EQF gap – Studies, initiatives and projects aiming to develop and utilize the ECVET device in VET have been conducted and there is an ongoing process of mapping national qualification frameworks (NQF) to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF) to provide a common reference framework that will simplify the comparison of VET in Europe. However, more work on the practical implementation of ECVET in national VET is required to increase and ensure transparency and transferability of KSC gained abroad to the national system. The impact envisaged is also an increase in mobility opportunities in VET and closer cooperation and exchange of experience between VET providers in Europe. Due to the composition of the consortium - a selection of renowned and experienced representatives from industry, administration and education – the EURIAC project will not only ensure the creation, implementation and verification of the European class concept, it will also provide excellent opportunities to disseminate and exploit the project outcome to strategic stakeholders on a European level.In conclusion, in addressing these vital European issues the EURIAC project facilitates the creation of a European identity and by that promotes European cohesion.

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