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Over 40 European Projects Found

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e-Skills for e-inclusion

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

In order to fight the digital divide the European Commission has proposed a digital agenda whose main objective is the development of a digital single market to lead Europe towards sustainable and inclusive growth. The Digital Agenda for Europe is comprised of 7 pillars that allow meeting the set targets for 2020 and one of them refers to Enhancing digital literacy, skills and inclusion (6th pilla ...
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The BONDS proposal intends to design and develop specific training/education programme for immigrant mothers and children, focusing on the acquisition of key competences and soft skills for social inclusion and well-being through the methodology of Collaborative Comics Storytelling. More than a million migrants and refugees crossed into Europe in 2015, compared with just 280,000 the year before. T ...
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Today, in the 28 countries of the EU there are about 650,000 inmates. Only 1 out of 5 of them is involved in any activity, and the 3% is working for external companies or entities (even outside the prison). The non-occupation, the lack of training paths for every individual and the loss of identity and sense of belonging to the civil community are the main causes, which determine a still too high ...
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GAMIFICATION - ICT to Play and Play to Learn

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

In the EU, more than six million young people leave school with a level corresponding to a maximum of the first cycle of secondary education. These young people are facing severe difficulties in finding job, and are more likely to be unemployed and dependent on social benefits. Early school leaving hampers economic and social development, and constitutes a serious obstacle to the objective of the ...
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Share Your Growth

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2018,

“Share Your Growth” is a long-term Evs project by the Arci Rieti Association (Cultural and Recreational Association) in the role of coordinating and hosting organization. The Evs project takes place in the city of Rieti, in the Lazio region a little bit far from Rome. Rieti is a little and quite town, surrounded by nature and roman buildings, typical with its medieval walls.Activities will take pl ...
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EAEY - Empower African and European Youth!

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2018,

The project “EAEY - Empower African and European Youth!”, coordinated by Wereld Esperanto-Jongeren Organisatie (TEJO) involves four youth organisations from Europe (Netherlands; Poland; Italy; Slovakia) and four from Africa (DR Congo, Togo, Benin, Burundi).The project aims at improving the transfer of knowledge between Europe and Africa, thus strengthening the cooperation between the two continent ...
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This project find its roots in a previous Seminar realised by ORA Network in Bosnia in January 2016, where a working group among partners was created defining aims, objectives and contents. Commonly agreed information were shared and completed with a need analysis process with young people conducted at local level."ORA: green tools to enhance the social inclusion of young people and sustainable de ...
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...ive way, to understand the error fertility, learning from experience, do not be afraid to change, do not be afraid to experiment.ACTIVITY A2: Youth Exchange. PARTNER: Applicant association: Italia- Associazione Artemide Aps.Partner association from:Italy,Hungary,Spain,Serbia,Macedonia.Arrival day 23/03/2017,activity dates 24/30,departure day 31/03/2017.Location:House Laboratory Cerquosino – Morran ...
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ORA: capacity building to generate innovative approaches in youth work

Start date: Aug 8, 2016, End date: Oct 9, 2017,

The overall aim of the project is to realize a long term non-formal education process at international level (08/2016 - 10/2017) able to empower the youth work that the partnership is realising on field with young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or vulnerable groups, to raise their capacities to better perform and provide more useful services (educational, cultural, social, etc.) ...
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ECVET 4 e-inclusion

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

E- facilitators are at the center of the fight against the digital divide. They work in many different areas to be close to the main target groups such as: youth, job seekers, seniors or disadvantaged. They should mobilize very diverse skills and knowledge both technical (ICT) and teaching. These should be adapted to beneficiaries of various levels of qualification, including very low levels. Unfo ...
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L'Europe agit, agir en Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2017,

**The project**This 2nd edition of the projet "Europe acts, act in Europe" strengthens the approach la Ligue de l'enseignement has launched in May 2014 in favor of youths in order to build a more solidary Europe of tomorrow.This new edition enables the continuity of the exchanges between European youths and the policy-makers around a strong theme : fighting against stereotypes and the equal access ...
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Formation et échanges pour une jeunesse porteuse de changement social

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

International solidarity (IS) is a field young graduates are more and more interested in, seeking a profesionnal activity with meaning. The last decade, many university curricula have emerged on international solidarity issues such as international cooperation, development, or human rights. However, international solidarity organisations are not always able to offer employment experience to young ...
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Comunità Educante

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The project "Comunità educante" foresses the involvement of 4 volunteers highly motivated , with different profile, and having many different experiences. Volunteers from Spain, Belgium, Hungary, Turkey will meet with the reality represented by the so-called " third world countries " represented by minor asylum seekers and refugees in the host project . "Comunità educante" is a project that will ...
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Identity and Diversity - youth cultures in Europe

Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The KINDERRING BERLIN e.V. wants to organise an international youth exchange with the partner organisations from Belgium, Bonsia and Italy. Title of the Projct is: "Identity and diversity - youth cultures in Europe" and is planned to take place in Berlin. The partnership of the partizipating organisations is grown out of a network which already organised several youth exchanges and study vists i ...
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openHUB Europe

Start date: May 4, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

oH unites medium and small-sized organisations dedicated to contemporary Arts from different cultural sectors and countries in Europe in order to stimulate sustainable collaborations, reinforce their operational capacity on an international level and to strengthen their positions in their communities. oH offers a platform for reflection on geographical, professional, social and economic contexts i ...
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Acting on Citizenship together

Start date: May 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2016,

La Ligue de l'enseignement and its European partners are involved in Europe as representatives of the civil society. They witness the raise of all kinds of extremism everywhere in Europe and mistrust towards the EU and its institutions.In order to take part to the renewal of a shared European citizenship, this exhcnage project pursues the following objectives :- provide a space for engagement, mob ...
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ETEY! – Empower Trainers, Empower Youth!

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

This project is coordinated by the World Esperanto Youth Organisation (TEJO), a worldwide umbrella organisation based in the Netherlands, gathering more of forty national sections active in different countries and engaged in international communication, intercultural exchange and valorisation of linguistic and cultural diversity against any forms of discrimination. TEJO and its national sections c ...
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Formation et échanges pour une jeunesse solidaire

Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016,

International solidarity (IS) is a field young graduates are more and more interested in, seeking a profesionnal activity with meaning. The last decade, many university curricula have emerged on international solidarity issues such as international cooperation, development, or human rights. However, international solidarité organisations are not always able to offer first employment experience to ...
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Training for augmentation of quality inside ORA project

Start date: Jan 11, 2016, End date: Jun 10, 2016,

The project named “Training for augmentation of quality inside ORA project”, or by acronyms “TORA” is training while the main aim of the project is to improve and standardize quality as well as way of project implementation under international programs of ORA Network members and also to connect EU and non EU countries practices. Formal result of the project will be guide named Project preparation, ...
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Human rights through art and creativity

Start date: Sep 14, 2015, End date: Feb 13, 2016,

Aim of the Training Course "Human rights through art and creativity"(Banja Luka,Bosnia Herzegovina,20-29 November 2015)was to create an international educational process able to empower knowledge and competences on human rights education and education for democratic citizenship for 27 youth/social workers,peer educators,volunteers,youth leaders,young artists and trainers coming from 9 different Eu ...
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Creative expression to promote Human Rights

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Jan 31, 2016,

Aim of the Training Course "Creative expression to promote Human Rights" (Province of Liege, Belgium, from 16th till 25th October 2015) is to create an international educational process able to empower knowledge and competences on human rights education and education for democratic citizenship for 27 youth/social workers, peer educators, volunteers, youth leaders, young artists and trainers coming ...
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The project “Youth Centres and artistic expression to foster inclusion of young people” is composed by one activity, a Training Course, targeted to youth and social workers, youth leaders, educators, youth animators, responsible of youth organizations and youth centres, peer educators, volunteers (one third of which coming from backgrounds of exclusion and marginalisation) on the use of creativity ...
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ORA: Sustainable Communities with Youth Power Switched ON

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015,

The project entitled "Sustainable Communities with Youth Power Switched" will last for 10 months. Project consists of 3 main activities: a training course and 2 youth exchanges. Each activity will last 8 working days. Training will be hosted by Italian partner, 1st youth exchange will be hosted by German partner and 2nd youth exchange will be hosted by Serbian partner. Each youth exchange will be ...
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Art and creativity to promote human and social rights

Start date: Apr 1, 2015, End date: Oct 1, 2015,

This proposal of Training Course has its origin in 2 meetings of European young people that took place in Verviers (Belgium) in June 2014 and in Banja Luka (Bosnia Herzegovina) in August 2014. Both of them were focused on the topic of Human Rights and the young participants expressed the need to go deep in the knowledge of efficient methods and tools for inclusion through the spreading of Human an ...
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L'Europe agit, agir en europe / Europe acts, act in Europe

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

The lack of mobilization at the last European elections, especially of the youths, questions our federation. (73 % of the people aged less than 35 years-old didn’t go vote for the European elections in France). The lack of interest for the political authorities is combined, especially since the “2011 crisis” with mistrust in the political institutions and the European Union ; mistrust the educativ ...
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Spread the word

Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015,

Erasmus Plus projects lead to very positive results and it is important to multiply these outcomes as much as possible. Actually, with relatively little extra investment, the impact of a project can be proportionally much bigger. Therefore, all project promoters are requested to focus on giving more value through a well planned dissemination and exploitation of results. This training focused on em ...
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Human and social rights through art and creativity

Start date: Aug 2, 2014, End date: Jan 2, 2015,

Main idea of the youth exchange "Human and social rights through art and creativity" (Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina, 24-08 / 02-09 2014) was to answer to the needs directly express by young people and youth workers to fight youth discrimination and marginalisation, to enlarge the opportunities of social and cultural inclusion, to stimulate their active participation in the decision making process ...
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O.R.A.: sustainability and green jobs

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jan 1, 2015,

The project of Study Visit "O.R.A.: sustainability and green jobs" answered to the needs to acquire knowledge and competences to support opportunities of inclusion, employment and "green" entrepreneurship that came out from participants to a previous project when they had the chance to be in contact with some entrepreneurial experiences in the Sangro Valley (Province of Chieti, Italy) characterise ...
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Supporting Employability in Creative Way

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 1, 2014,

The project entitled "Supporting Employability in Creative Way" will last for 4 months. Training course as a main activity will be organized in town Sabac, Republic of Serbia and will be hosted by Udruzenje Svetlost. Training course will last 9 days. By this project we want to respond to problem of youth unemployment and to show in creative way the importance of growing requirement for high skille ...
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ORA: sharing skills for better teamwork in project design

Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014,

The project was a seminar with the goals to share skill of youth centres, youth workers from it and environmental NGOs in order to create common projects to promote sustainable living in Europe and to raise the awareness of young people in this topic. For better functioning and better effectiveness participants was separated in 3 different working groups: project design – which had on a practical ...
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Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2014,

The Youth Exchange “Lets do it: Youth Centres and urban youth street culture” (Berlin, Germany, from 28th August till 9th September 2014) can be considered as the direct follow up of a Youth in Action activity realised in October 2013 (Make it possible: “YOUTH CENTRES AND URBAN YOUTH STREET CULTURE”) and the further development of the previous projects realised by "Roter Baum" Berlin UG Youth Cen ...
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Sol & Arte 2009

Start date: Jul 1, 2009,

This multilateral youth-exchange with France, Italy, Denmark, UK, Estonia and Portugal is followingthe tracks of the artbased "Drums for Peace" network youth-exchanges aiming to involve alsoyoung disadvantaged people.All 60 participants will, according to their own priorities and in order to secure a proper mix ofnationalities, be actively involved in workshops as dance, music and drama run by pro ...
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Different cultures, same involvement

Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

Different cultures, same involvement entails the deployment of two Italian volunteers by ARCI Ancona toPANGEA NGO in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) for a 7 month period as part of the local programProtagonismo juvenil.The volunteers will cooperate in designing and implementing educational activities (based on non-formalmethodologies and artistic-creative communications) developed by PANGEA within MU ...
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Training course "Multimedia as a tool to promote sustainable development among youngpeople" will gather in Banja Luka, B&H, 28 young people from 7 SEE and EU countries (Albania,Belgium, B&H, Italy, Macedonia, Romania and Serbia). From 16th till 24th of April 2010, in 8 days,through non-formal education participants will work on concrete multimedia outcomes that will beuseful to aware other young p ...
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Differences, creativity, leadership are the key words of our training course. We aim to empower the creativity and innovation potential of the youth leaders and youth workers and to come with an idea of common creative leadership mechanism. The successful leadership of youth organizations is related to steady kinetics so in order to move forward and accept challenges creative and innovative attitu ...
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Photo Message

Start date: Sep 1, 2010,

This training wili gather 24 young people who are active in their organizations and youth dubs to gain skills and knowledge on how to use photography in order to achieve social change.Objectives of this training are:- to provide theoretical inputs and discuss meaning of social change with the focus on poverty; to explore their role and role of their organizations in this field within their own com ...
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Voci che contano aims at giving to youngsters, youth workers and public institutions the opportunity to reflect about the meaning of "youth participation", by sharing concrete experiences, best practices, working methods, and possible approaches for the structured dialogue between youngsters and institutions.We plan 3 levels of work:1.young participants: working spaces for sharing the experience o ...
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The civilan, non-profit student radio, the MustA?r FM (89.6 Mhz) operated by the For Cultural Life Non-profit Organization tries to give place to cultural diversity from the beginning. Due to our EVS projects we brought (and we are going to bring) the French, Ukrain, Turkish, Romanian, Armenian, German, Portugese, Polish, Italian, Icelandic, Spanish and Lithuanian culture to the youngsters of NyA­ ...
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Youth against invisibility - YAI

Start date: Nov 15, 2010,

Youth Against Invisibility project is aimed at offering opportunities of personal, social and professional growth to young people with fewer opportunities, leaving in the suburban area's of the region involved, through the development of an international youth active citizenship's process. Through local and international non formal educational activities, such as workshops, discussions, role-plays ...
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