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Human and social rights through art and creativity
Start date: Aug 2, 2014, End date: Jan 2, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Main idea of the youth exchange "Human and social rights through art and creativity" (Banja Luka, Bosnia Herzegovina, 24-08 / 02-09 2014) was to answer to the needs directly express by young people and youth workers to fight youth discrimination and marginalisation, to enlarge the opportunities of social and cultural inclusion, to stimulate their active participation in the decision making process contributing on field to the development of our communities. For these reasons, the activities realised (team building, role play, working sessions, workshops, meetings, debriefing and evaluation, sharing with local communities, etc.) and the methodologies applied (peer education, learning by doing, self-direct learning, intercultural education, clustering, etc.) gave directly to young people, peer educators and volunteers the opportunity to reflect on and promote human and social rights using different creative languages, techniques and tools (Music, Puppet theatre, Comics). At the same time, project was connecting different experiences (Verviers, Berlin, Banja Luka, Abruzzo) inside a common international educational process in which 28 young people coming from Belgium, Germany, Bosnia Herzegovina and Italy had the possibility to look and interact with the society around, to exchange social backgrounds and point of view, to express their opinion and creativity: it was a great inclusive opportunity for participants to empower their own role of citizen, to take back the flow and to express their opinions on society and social injustice. Moreover, the possibility to share the outcomes realised (puppets theatre performance, live music exhibition, music tracks and songs, photo and video multimedia tools, communication and info materials, several artworks such as postcards and fanzine) directly with citizens and young people, within the framework of one month activities (Creative August) organised at local level by "Zdravo da Ste" Youth Centre", represented an unique experience able to give an added value to the young people participation and engagement and to improve the work that our NGOs and Youth Centres are doing on field. Objectives of the project were: to improve the youth work that our NGOs and Youth Centres are doing on field with young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds in order to empower their social development and rights and their full citizenship; to reflect on and promote human and social rights using different creative languages, techniques and tools; to share results and outcomes of the project with the local community in order to aware/sensitise civil society and citizens on the thematic and topics of the project (human and social rights, inclusion of young people, creativity and artistic expression); to plan a follow up of further projects to be realised under the framework of new ERASMUS+ Programme in order to create new and real possibility to include young people. As far as the realisation of the project is concerned, all guidelines have been planned by the partner organisations involved in the process together with the support and contribution of the group leaders. Activities of the project have been developed to achieve the objectives planned and to guarantee the full involvement and the free expression of participants (learner centred) in an ongoing process in which all partners and participants had a role as much participative as possible. During all phases of the project were respected and applied the principles of non formal education: all the methodologies that were used (peer education, learning by doing, self-direct learning, intercultural education, clustering, etc.) and dynamics proposed (ice breakers, team building, role play, working groups, dynamic presentations, debriefing and evaluation, sharing with local communities, etc.) have been designed to ensure the direct involvement of the participants at any time promoting freedom of expression, exchange and cooperation, interaction and creativity. Methodologies also adopted tools and approaches coming from both Compass and Compasito COE's manuals. Majority of sessions were based on participative and active learning combining theoretical and practical inputs coming from the facilitators/group leaders or directly by the participants. Furthermore, the methodology used was strongly oriented in terms of intercultural learning paying attention to the cultural diversity represented by the partnership, promoting a good environment, mutual understanding and cooperation among all participants. During the project were realized icebreaker games, team building, NGOs Market, intercultural evenings, show and tell session, field visit and meeting, 3 practical workshops using different languages, techniques and tools, sharing activities with local community to present projects outcomes, sessions on future projects, several evaluation moments both practical aspects and fundamental contents.
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3 Partners Participants