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Formation et échanges pour une jeunesse solidaire
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

International solidarity (IS) is a field young graduates are more and more interested in, seeking a profesionnal activity with meaning. The last decade, many university curricula have emerged on international solidarity issues such as international cooperation, development, or human rights. However, international solidarité organisations are not always able to offer first employment experience to young graduates without any professionnal experience abroad. That is why, for 10 years now, Echanges et Partenariats (E&P) has been organising specific long-term mobility programmes in the field of international solidarity through the Leonardo da Vinci programme from which E&P obtained a certification in 2009. Activity 1 of the project « Training and exchanges for a committed youth » wishes to answer to the increasing needs in professionnal experience of young graduates in the field of international solidarity. Besides the needs of young graduates , this project also aims to answer the needs of international solidarity organisations to renew their members. Finally, , after 10 years training young graduates through the Leonardo da Vinci programme, E&P also wishes through this project (activity 2) to develop the exchange of practices bewteen its members (amongst which former mobility participants) and hosting partner organisations throught short-term mobilities. The main objective is to allow E&P members to be trained organisations in international solidarity practices of our partners abroad in terms of organisation, project management , hosting and follow-up of young graduates and communication. The project submitted by E&P would allow 22 young graduates to participate in long-term mobilities and to 10 of our members to participate in short-term mobilities within our partner organisations in Europe and programme countries in the next couple of years. Activities 1/ Professionnal training of young graduates in the field of IS The objective is to offer a professionnal experience abroad on IS issues to young graduates. Each participant has a sending organisation in France and a hosting organisation abroad to be trained and work on common IS issues or projects. The mobility programme submitted by E&P is organised in collective sessions in which a group of around 10 young graduates participate. It allows to create a group dynamic and underlines transversal issues. The programme is carried out following 3 different phases: 4-week collective pre-departure training in Paris 18 weeks on the field within partner organisations in Europe and programme countries 3-week collective consolidation in Paris 2/ Training and exchanges abroad for staff members The mobilities for E&P members will be preceded by a 3-day preparation period. The mobility will last 8 days within the hosting partner organisation. Lastly, a 3-day period of consolidation and restitution with other E&P members will be organised when the members return from their mobility. Expected impacts and long-term potential advantages of activity 1: - strengthened skills and knowledge for the participants - strenghtened linguistic skills - strengthened partnership between partener organisations of E&P's programme - increased visibilty of the IS issues, of our partners in France and Europe, and of E&P's mobility programme so that it can be accessed by a greater number of people - In a long-term perspective, high level of professionnal integration of our participants as well as a sustainable commitment within our IS networks in order to participate in their renewal. Expected impacts and long-term potential advantages of activity 2: - strengthened direct partnerships between E&P and partner organisations hosting young graduates - exchanges of experience and practices with our partner organisations to improve our own practices and methodology - training of our members for a better understanding of our programme and other practices and an increased commitment within our organisation

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