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Different cultures, same involvement
Start date: Jan 15, 2010,

Different cultures, same involvement entails the deployment of two Italian volunteers by ARCI Ancona toPANGEA NGO in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) for a 7 month period as part of the local programProtagonismo juvenil.The volunteers will cooperate in designing and implementing educational activities (based on non-formalmethodologies and artistic-creative communications) developed by PANGEA within MULTIUSINAS, youthcentres located in the Salvador suburb area.MULTIUSINAS' rationale aims to stimulate, through a personal, social and technical education, theparticipation and the direction of young people, not anymore as subject of external relief action, but asactors of development both at personal and social level.At the same time the volunteers, during the work activities with the local educators, are supposed tobecome both actors, who offer their expertise and aid to the local community, and "targets" of a commonlearning and growing path shared with the MULTIUSINAS' youth.Moreover such common recognition of shared values, attitudes and needs (such as the right toparticipation, the right to development, the right to a free personal and cultural expression, and the right tocreativity) will promote the development of a dialogue and solidarity among young people that goes beyondtheir cultural heritage.

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