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ORA: capacity building to generate innovative approaches in youth work
Start date: Aug 8, 2016, End date: Oct 9, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall aim of the project is to realize a long term non-formal education process at international level (08/2016 - 10/2017) able to empower the youth work that the partnership is realising on field with young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or vulnerable groups, to raise their capacities to better perform and provide more useful services (educational, cultural, social, etc.) for the young people with which they work, to increase the competences of their youth/social workers to better include the different target groups in the social, cultural, and economic life of their communities. Project partners (Youth Centres/Clubs, youth associations, associations of social promotion, cultural associations, NGOs, etc.) are coming from 8 different European countries (EU and Western Balkans) and have a common understanding that it is important to evolve constantly the learning pathways and the development opportunities to reflect the changes in society and to establish a cross-sector approach to empower young people in their development. For this reason and following the ORA approach, general objectives of the project are: 1) to support innovation and quality of non formal education in youth work acquiring and developing new methodologies, activities and competences; 2) to improve the youth work that our NGO’s are doing on field with young people coming from disadvantaged backgrounds and/or vulnerable groups in order to empower their social, cultural and economical development and increase their inclusion opportunities; 3) To reinforce the relationship among partners with the specific objective to plan and realise future projects under the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme using the knowledge and competences acquired during this project. Future projects will represent a concrete opportunity of active involvement and personal and economic development for those young people with which all the partner work. During all phases of the project will be respected and applied the principles of non formal education (these include the methods of non-formal/ informal learning, ORA - Observe, Rethink, Act, experiential and active pedagogy, mentoring and/or peer support and relationship-based activities): all the methodologies that will be used and activities proposed are designed to ensure the direct involvement of partners and participants at any time of the project promoting freedom of expression, exchange and cooperation, interaction and creativity. Furthermore, the methodology used will be strongly oriented in terms of intercultural learning paying attention to the cultural diversity represented by the partnership (EU and Western Balkans countries), promoting a good environment, mutual understanding and cooperation among all participants. Following the ORA approach, main activities planned are a Study Visit in Liege (Observe Phase), a Seminar in Berlin (Re-think Phase) and a Training Course in Banja Luka (Act Phase).

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7 Partners Participants