European Projects
L'Europe agit, agir en europe / Europe acts, act i..
L'Europe agit, agir en europe / Europe acts, act in Europe
Start date: Jan 1, 2015,
End date: Sep 30, 2015
The lack of mobilization at the last European elections, especially of the youths, questions our federation. (73 % of the people aged less than 35 years-old didn’t go vote for the European elections in France). The lack of interest for the political authorities is combined, especially since the “2011 crisis” with mistrust in the political institutions and the European Union ; mistrust the educative actors working with the youths have difficulties to fight. However, how to promote solidarity between people if the main message of the European Union doesn’t reach the people which are its future?
In this context and rich of the past experiences, la Ligue de l’enseignement – FAL 44 has imagined the project “Europe acts, Act in Europe” through the following hypothesis:
- the feeling of belonging to European citizenship can’t be decreed but has to be lived through common practices, exchanges with peers, from France and Europe as well as with elected representatives.
- Trust towards politics comes with the comprehension of the essence of the word, very often transformed and with the participation of youths in the life of the city as full citizen,
- European citizenship can only be lived through a collective European conscience and the knowledge of the rights and duties
From these hypotheses, the project has been built around three main axes:
- The follow-up of three young inhabitants of Loire- Atlantique in a collective mission of volunteering around European citizenship
- Collecting the testimonies of young inhabitants of Loire-Atlantique on this thematic, debating and letting them express themselves peer to peer.
- Imagining a 3-day-seminar with exchanges and meetings to question European citizenship with French, European and elected representatives.
In partnership with local authorities (Regional Council of Pays de la Loire, Departmental Council of Loire-Atlantique, Nantes Métropole), Europe, the Departmental Direction of Social Cohesion (DDSC), and European associative actors (Arci in Italy, CRDM in Czech Republic, Volunteering Matters in the United Kingdom) and local associations (Maison de l’Europe, Maison des Citoyens du Monde, EuradioNantes, Amicale Laïque de Couëron) “Europe Acts, Act in Europe” had the aims of:
- Reinforce the capacity of youngsters to act in order to build a society which resembles them, with a particular focus on isolated or more vulnerable groups.
- Talk about Europe by questioning common values and what makes sense in the daily life of young people involved. This is about crossing viewpoints and to state loud and clear the values which are shared by our community.
- Create a debate between young Europeans and the elected representatives for the Europe of tomorrow around a strong theme.
- To bring out reflections and thoughts around this theme; they will be used for a future potential European project in 2015-2016.
After more than 6 months of exchanges, collecting testimonies of youths, Europe has invited itself in Nantes from Thursday the 28th of May until the 30th of May around 4 themes: immigration, secularism, intergenerational cooperation and volunteering in order to question and make European citizenship merge.
These 3 days were rich in exchanges, debates and encounters between the young French, Czech, English and Italian people and the elected representatives but also with citizens of Nantes. It enabled to learn to know each other, to understand the meanings of the words, to create a common culture and question each of the participants on how Europe existed on their territory.
The program of this 3-day seminar:
Thursday, May 28th
Breaking the ice activities so that the youngsters break the language barrier and get to meet each other
Thursday;May 28th
From 5:30 pm to 10 pm : Opening evening at Cosmopolis
An evening to meet each other and create a dynamic of discussion and debate.
- From 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm: Arrival and first encounter with the partners.
- From 6:30 pm to 8pm: Ice Breaking.
Get to know each other around the European Union with educational and funny activities to stimulate mutual exchanges
- From 8 pm to 8:30 pm: Flash mob with the host families.
- From 8:30pm to 10 pm: Meal and friendly evening.
Friday, May 29th
From 9 am until 5 pm: European seminar at the Regional Council
Form 9 pm until 11 pm: Festive evening - Cine debate at TNT
Saturday, May 30th
From 9:30 am to 12 pm : Round table on « Is a united Europe possible? » at Cosmopolis
From 12:30pm to 2am: Citizen Picnic and preparing the public inquiry
From 2pm: Festive time on the European Cultures at Place du Bouffay and flashmob
All the exchanges has been retranscribed in the proceedings of “Europe Acts, Act in Europe” and sent to all the participants, the local authorities, and the youth associative actors in order to maintain the encounters and the speeches of the youths.