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37 European Projects Found

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Current EU-based problems being the root of the project:- high unemployment among people in their twenties, so called NEETs (2014: 17,7% UE, PL 16,5%)- problems with employability and returning to labour market for long-term unemployed, especially aged 50+ (56% of unemployed in the age of 50-64 has no job for 12 months or longer)- increase in the number of immigrants in the EU (including refugees ...
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There are major changes within and related to the professional driving profession ahead of us that need to be prepared and supported by vocational education and training in order to reach its full potential but also to avoid a further increase of already today’s major deficits of skilled workers in this field that belonged continuously to the Top Ten jobs employers are having difficulty filling ov ...
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Sharing good Practices foR European mobility Activities Development

Start date: Oct 3, 2016, End date: Oct 2, 2018,

The project S.P.R.E.A.D. , according to the principles and the recommendations of the Bruges Communiqué, wants to promote internationalization and transnational mobility in VET Institutes and organizations. To be integrated and systemic, mobility needs to involve different kind of actors. The staff of VET organizations, Institutes and SMEs express a strong willingness to further develop transnatio ...
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...project will be made of several activities, linked together to form a log frame matrix being apparently participative. First, all partners will be thoroughly informed by the projects ECVET expert, 3s Research Laboratory, on the ECVET System and its principles and how the Qualification Standard and Modular Training Course should be structured. Thus, in accordance with the prior indications, all par ...
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More than any other sector the health care sector is already today dependent on the mobility of workers from across Europe and even on an international scale in order to overcome skill shortages that are strongly influencing this sector in EU Member States. So far the mobility of skilled workers is strongly hindered by highly complex and time consuming validation and recognition processes and by m ...
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National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) is a promoter of the project proposal. According to the low for Vocational education and training NAVET is a specialized body to the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria for licensing of activities and coordination of the institutions and organizations related to vocational guidance, training and education. Besides these functio ...
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Key competences and solutions for the effectiveness of Internships

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

... (PG) which represents promoter organisations and a technical organisation that provides methodological support to the partners (IF). At the European level there are 1 technical structures [3s (AT) and VET Provider [Sataedu (SF) expert in R&D solutions for learning in professional situations. In order to achieve its objectives KEY 4 is engaged in building and testing on field of the following acti ...
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Vocational Assessor Requirements in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The "VARE" project aims to identify the requirements for assessment and assessors in vocational training programmes across the European Union to support the development of partnership working for the purposes of mobility in VET. At present, research has identified a lack of transparency in quality assurance in VET, especially in assessment and validation. Little attention has so far been paid to t ...
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Coaching schOols to fAce Change aHead

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Education & Training 2020 and the Communication Rethinking Education highlight the need of continuous professional development for teachers . Standards and levels of achievement in education should increasingly match the present ever rising demands of society, and transversal skills are to be encouraged to ensure the capacity to face increasing inevitable changes. The project, C.O.A.C.H.(COACHING ...
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Certification for continuous vocational education and training trainers

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

The job of CVET trainers is still widely unregulated in Europe. Unregulated means that no regulatory body has set standards for this specific occupation. Training and certification programmes for CVET trainers are not organized at a European level. Trainers’ qualifications and competence requirements may vary between European countries, but also within a country. This leads to very different situa ...
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Für das Berufsbild de Veranstaltungstechnik (VAT) existieren in Europa uneinheitliche Ausbildungsformen und kaum wechselseitige Anerkennungen derselben. Es zeigt sich, dass immer mehr qualifizierte Fachpersonen in der VAT am Arbeitsmarkt gefragt sind. Gerade Akteure der VAT finden heute eine Arbeitsplatzsituation in einem internationalen Umfeld vor. Grossveranstaltungen, an denen mehrere Nationen ...
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Although successfully piloted in a variety of national and European projects and initiatives, the application of EQF and ECVET principles into the different European vocational education and training practices is a challenging task that needs facilitation and support in order to overcome existing misconceptions and uncertainty towards these European transparency instruments at a practical VET leve ...
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In a number of previous projects (Central, Eucolog, Prolog,Novalog, Eurotranslog, ProfDRV), the connection between vocational qualifications and relevant transparency instruments has been examined. The METALOG project has analysed these previous results and summarized them systematically (see Products "Synthesis Report"). Based on these results, work process analyses have been conducted in logisti ...
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Lack of permeability - between sectors and levels - is one of the main challenges in vocational education and training (VET). Existing systems are mainly targeting a training perspective, whereas the industry itself requires relevant skills and competences in a flexible and changing business environment. The difference between applying learning objectives or learning outcomes when comparing is cru ...
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The main topic of the project is the cross-national transfer and testing of instruments for the accreditation of vocational learning outcomes in accordance with the principles of the ECVET, the EQF and the forthcoming German Qualifications Framework. The plan is to apply and improve existing instruments for identifying the levels, contents and workloads of vocational learning outcomes in selected ...
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Quality in VET (Vocational Education and Training) has been actively developed in European cooperation during the recent years. Also numerous good practices of work-based learning have been created in VET as results of innovative projects. Only in Finland hundreds of projects have deleveloped the quality of VET and work-based learning and gained remarkable results. Althoughresults are well-known a ...
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We professionalize competenciesIn the era of life-long learning, the assessment of professional competencies has become increasingly important not only for individuals but also for organizations. The ESO-CRS software has been created on the basis of practical experience and is strictly outcome-oriented. It combines the certification of formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes, thus profes ...
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Whereas the LLP and EQF promote a unified approach to education and training in EU integrating VET and HE, two credit systems will soon coexist when ECVET will be officially implemented by the MS. The need to address a comprehensive area of education and training in EU was also stressed in the Recommendation on ECVET which suggests to “facilitate the compatibility and comparability between credit ...
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The TAMTAM project has operated a sectoral and geographic transfer of TIPTOE project results: from commerce to ICT, fashion/textile, mechanics/mechatronics and energetic efficiency/green building; from the Netherlands to Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom. The construction and the intelligent grow of a common European space for lifelong learning (Lisbon p ...
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The post secondary not tertiary education focused on vocational programmes (HTE - Higher Technical Education) is an education field very heterogeneous in Europe, composed by several kinds of institution and different training aims. In the HTE European system, at the moment, few quality standards exist. In this context, ExPerO (LdV 2005-2007), was created to develop a theoretical model and a set of ...
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Gaining international experience is evermore important not only to enhance job opportunities on the labour market but also for the professional advancement. Stays abroad for work and internship measures are in turn increasingly popular. They provide a good basis to broaden professional qualifications, improve skills in foreign languages and to develop personal abilities in an intercultural environ ...
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... credits and professional qualifications (VQTS Model) in the field of production engineering, designed under the Leonardo programme 2004-2006 by a group of European partners including RSO SpA (I) and 3sResearch (AT), which was the leader and that are an integral part of that project. The achievement of the objectives set out below, is closely connected, and then the application and transfer of thi ...
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... The consortium was made up of members able to contribute expertise in various areas of ECVET development: the English NCP with its expertise in the theory and technical development of ECVET and LLL; 3s with their research experience, having previously written a preliminary ECVET guidance document to on implementation procedures from a national perspective; VTCT and Sedu as VET qualifications awar ...
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MOVET explores a practical approach to a system ECVET. The modules for students end with an especially designed assessment of learning outcomes. Training providers, companies, competent bodies and other protagonists of vocational education validate the acquired learning outcomes as relevant for the training profile and award credit points. A memorandum of understanding of all involved partners ser ...
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The aim of the project “ECVET-Tour” is not the harmonization of the educational and further educational programs of the different providers. The competence matrix is developed according to the same principles of the partner institutions.- increase of the transparency and comparability of educational and further educational programs between the partner countries- The joint competence matrix is the ...
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...order to come to a common understanding on how ECVET could work in the different contexts and thereby come to a better understanding across Europe. The consortium which was led by f-bb consists of: - 3s research laboratory (AT) - TNOIK (PL)- CIBC (FR)- IER (UK)- Ecap Foundation (CH)
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...and to strengthen schools’ ability to respond to the needs of employers appropriately. The consortium consisted of 4 partners from 3 EU member states. Two partners from Austria (SMC and 3s research laboratory) were donors of innovation (from ECVET Tour and ECVET MOTO projects) and have been partners of a number of successfully implemented ECVET projects. Within the project, their activities mainl ...
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The professional competences of the about 1 million care powers working from East European countries in Western Europe particularly usually do not comply with the standards demanded there at admission to the (west) European labour market. Became the competence standards in the sector of "geriatric care" which are in the project developed and evaluated• the project partner formulated in the nationa ...
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Um ein transnationales Leistungspunktesystem für die berufliche und akademische Bildung zu definieren, wird gegenwärtig an einem Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmen (EQF) gearbeitet.Bezugnehmend auf das Rahmeninstrument EQF, wird mit dem vorliegenden Projekt beabsichtigt, konkrete Antworten auf die Fragen:• der Durchlässigkeit in der beruflichen Bildung über verschiedene Kompetenzstufen nichtakademi ...
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Credit where credit's due : The project has developed a vocational qualification transfer system that allows for cross-border recognition of acquired skills and competences. The system improves the mobility of students in vocational training and leads to improvements in vocational education and training throughout Europe. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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Towards better practices in practical assessment : The project partners have produced a manual of good assessment practices for practical learning based on an analysis of various national VET assessment models. This project started in 2003 and lasted 36 months.
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Um ein transnationales Leistungspunktesystem für die berufliche und akademische Bildung zu definieren, wird gegenwärtig an einem Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmen (EQF) gearbeitet.Bezugnehmend auf das Rahmeninstrument EQF, wird mit dem vorliegenden Projekt beabsichtigt, konkrete Antworten auf die Fragen:• der Durchlässigkeit in der beruflichen Bildung über verschiedene Kompetenzstufen nichtakademi ...
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...starting point, the project aims to produce a training course that will be generic in character and be designed using a systematic procedure for transferring competences & qualifications developed by 3S in Austria. This new IST training course will use a learning outcomes methodology & aim to demonstrate how ECVET can be implemented. Working closely with companies & colleges in Norway, Italy and T ...
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Today’s automotive sector is characterized by steadily ongoing workprocess innovations, by the development of global delivery networks, andby increasing competition. This yields a lot of requirements for theemployees in terms of flexibility to cover the needs of this ever-changingworld of work, or, in other words, the ability to cope with complex workrequirements which can only be determined prope ...
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Road transport sector has a central role in the continued growth of EU’s economy.In 2008, created more than 5 mill. jobs and the turnover was about 432,331mill.€ (Stati. pocketbook 2011, EC).However, the current economic crisis is affecting the sector considerably.It has cancelled out 6 years of growth(Eurostat).Having this scenario in mind and trying to address the EU 2020 Strategy and the Europe ...
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The occupation “professional driver” ranges in Europe under the top ten jobs employers are having difficulty filling with qualified employees. At the same time this occupation is characterised by a fundamental increase of qualification requirements during the past decades. This situation is especially challenging due to the rather low level of professional qualification within this occupation, a m ...
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Quality Management (QM) systems have been introduced in vocational schools in various European countries over the past ten years and it has become clear that individual schools have had varying degrees of success in implementing their QM systems in full and in an appropriate manner, in accordance with the underlying QM principles, in gaining acceptance from those involved and in achieving the desi ...
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