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Проучване на опит и добри практики при внедряване на европейските политики и инструменти в подкрепа за Ученето през целия живот
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) is a promoter of the project proposal. According to the low for Vocational education and training NAVET is a specialized body to the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria for licensing of activities and coordination of the institutions and organizations related to vocational guidance, training and education. Besides these functions with the decision of the Minister of education and science 2012, NEVET is a National coordination point and is delegated to coordinate the activities connected with the implementation of the system for credit transfer in the field of vocational education and training ECVET. Users of the project are NAVET’s employees working in the specialized administration – experts and managing personal working together on development of the List of profession for vocational education and training and development and updating of the State educational requirements for acquiring vocational qualification in professions, in accordance with Units of learning outcomes; Licensing and control of the institutions for vocational training of adults (employed and unemployed) – Centres for vocational training and Centers for vocational guidance. With the VET low amendment NAVET is delegated an important function in close relation with the system for credit transfer, to support the VET centers to validate vocational knowledge, skills and competences in the vocational education and training. The particular necessities of the beneficiaries include acquiring, transfer and adaptation of good practices of organizations with similar functions for comparison of the national systems for credit transfer in the field of vocational education and training, introducing the basic ECVET principles on national level, quality assurance of work based learning, recognition of non-formal and informal learning, etc.. The topic of the project is “Exploring experience and good practices in the implementation of European policies and instruments to support Lifelong Learning”.The project has 4 visits (one in each partner - in Greece, Latvia, Austria and Spain). Each visit will be for 5 days. The duration of the project is 24 months.
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4 Partners Participants