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Certification for continuous vocational education and training trainers
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The job of CVET trainers is still widely unregulated in Europe. Unregulated means that no regulatory body has set standards for this specific occupation. Training and certification programmes for CVET trainers are not organized at a European level. Trainers’ qualifications and competence requirements may vary between European countries, but also within a country. This leads to very different situations within Europe which makes it difficult to compare CVET trainer qualifications, competence requirements, and competence evaluation processes across Europe. In this context, mobility of CVET trainers and transparency of their qualifications remains difficult, if not impossible. CERTI 4 TRAIN intends to develop a dematerialized ISO 17024 compliant European CVET trainer certification scheme based on a competence matrix that will be EQF and ECVET compatible. The development of the European ISO 17024 compliant CVET trainer certification scheme manual and of its associated European CVET trainer competence matrix is following a standardized process that ensures its quality and its recognition by interested stakeholders. It is based on the process used within ISO (International Standardization Organization) to draft and publish standards that is transparent and open to each interested parties and that takes into account all stakeholders’ comments to reach a consensus. The project consortium is composed of six partners: a Luxembourg public research center specialized in computer-based assessment and in EQF and ECVET applications, an Austrian non-profit research institution specialized in competence matrix development and in EQF and ECVET applications, a Portuguese private learning services provider specialized in CVET trainings for trainers and in certification of trainers, a German non-profit organization specialized in e-assessment software for evaluation of competences, a French private certification body specialized in standardization and certification activities, and an Irish private company specialised in SaaS solutions for implementing personal competence and management system certification schemes. The projects results contribute : - to enhance transparency of CVET trainers' qualifications between countries in order to facilitate mobility of trainers within Europe by developing a CVET trainer competence matrix; - to support the referencing of CVET trainer qualifications to national qualification frameworks (NQF) and to ensure a link with formal education pathways; - to certify non-formal and informally acquired trainers’ competences (acting in formal, non-formal and informal context); -to develop a certification scheme based on a standard and repeatable way, and accepted by European stakeholders; - to develop a e-assessment process that will allow dematerialized and distance assessment, that will ensure the same evaluation process across Europe, and that will exploit the latest innovations of e-assessment research. Expected impact are numerous. As the competence matrix will be ECVET compatible, the Certi4Train project will be a major step towards enhancing the mobility of future certified CVET trainers within Europe and establish mutual trust between European countries. As in most of the participating countries a job profile and associated certification for CVET trainers is missing, the outcomes of the Certi4Train project will be used on national levels as a starting point for developing national standards for CVET trainers as the European CVET competence matrix will be described in learning outcomes. At a longer term, the Certi4Train project will help to inform future policy and practice concerning recognition and validation of competences (acquired via non-formal and informal learning) of other unregulated jobs existing in Europe. The project will stimulate dialogue between countries, within countries and between relevant stakeholders to develop new ISO 17024 compliant certification scheme for these other unregulated jobs. The project will highlight the European added value of the Erasmus+ Programme and encourage stakeholders to participate in future projects.

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5 Partners Participants