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Exploiting the TIPTOE plAtforM by transferring ECVET and EQF semAntic tools in a Multi-sectoral perspective

The TAMTAM project has operated a sectoral and geographic transfer of TIPTOE project results: from commerce to ICT, fashion/textile, mechanics/mechatronics and energetic efficiency/green building; from the Netherlands to Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and United Kingdom. The construction and the intelligent grow of a common European space for lifelong learning (Lisbon process, ET 2020) have highlighted specific needs like: a) ensuring mobility and innovation in professions by means of semantically transparent qualifications articulated into units to which ECVET credit points are allocated (European priority) and b) favoring employability thanks to an increased match between results and innovation needs of the labour world (New skills for new jobs). They have also highlighted a transversal need associated with the use of a platform. For this, TAMTAM has adapted (at the methodological, contenutistic and technological levels), transferred (through specific actions aimed at strengthening the awareness/appropriation degree and at testing mobility and ECVET tools) and valorized (through exploitation and dissemination activities) the platform and the methodologies developed in the TIPTOE project by: representing EQF level 5 qualifications in the chosen sectors; applying ECVET tools; gathering innovation needs and verifying the flexibility of qualifications and their predisposition to updatability. Results was represented by: the platform, the qualifications of the new sectors, the guide and tools on ECVET, and dissemination/exploitation materials. The target group was represented by operators of VET and users of selected sectors. The TAMTAM project aimed at: a) providing them with concrete answers to the demand for improved mobility and employability and up-to-dateness of occupational and educational profiles; b) adapting the TIPTOE platform to let it: manage the dialogue among heterogeneous actors; handle and cross a wide variety of information concerning the application of tools for transparency (specifically ECVET) by taking into account sectoral aspects (SQFs); enabling benchmarking operations. The empowerment of tools and specifically of ECVET among the various geographic areas have provided an important support to the free movement of students and workers across Europe.The consortium was made up of 11 core partners and 9 strategic partners and represented a remarkable sample of organizations which are strongly motivated and used to cooperate in European contexts. Hence, they have provided the appropriate contribution and support in achieving project results. Several partners had a wide and proven experience in LdV projects; in fact they have established close relations with local bodies and policy makers. The experience and human resources involved have assured the quality in achieving project aims and performing activities planned.

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21 Partners Participants