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22 European Projects Found

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Non-Stop Volunteering

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017,

Non-Stop Valunteering is a sending project. Taşev Training Culture and Youth Association works as Sending and Coordinating Organization during the project activities. There have been four partners from Turkey, Portugal, Bulgaria and Romania. The project includes 6 long term for 6 months activities. Volunteers will participate thematic activities such as youth information, social inclussion, Europe ...
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Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017,

Youth Dynamics group will host in Agros Cyprus between 09-18 June 2017 a multilateral youth exchange title EUROPE WITHOUT BORDER. Our project will gather 56 young participants, between 15 and 25 years old, from 10 program countries to form a strong group and work all together as a team in order to raise awareness regarding the inclusion of immigrants. As we all know, immigrants have always had a ...
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More Than a Game

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2017,

Training course “More Than a Game” will bring together 27 youth workers from programme Countries of EU (Sweden, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania) and Neighboring Partner Countries from Eastern Europe and Caucasus (Georgia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Belarus) and will take place in Georgia. The main aim of the project is to increase the awareness of the youth workers about sport, as a tool for social d ...
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Garden of Friendship

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Nov 30, 2016,

The motivation for the project stems from the great and positive experiences we have made so far with international youth encounters. Moreover, the garden show of Baden-Württemberg is taking place in Öhringen in 2016. Other reasons for the realisation of the project are the current political developments in Germany and in Europe and our perception of international youth work as peace work. The Eva ...
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"European Meeting of Sport for Tolerance”

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2016,

"European Meeting of Sport for Tolerance '' is an international youth exchange that will include the participation of 62 young people from 12 European countries, 5 youngs (1 leader + 4 participants). We want to awaken the young participants in the square important project, where sport has the promotion of equality, tolerance and integration into society of gender citizens, race, different culture ...
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"Youth for all...all for Humanity"

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Nov 1, 2016,

After the Arabic Spring lot of countries lost their stability in Asia and Northern Africa. Also climate change causing the lack of clean water and land to cultivate, a huge number of migrants started their exodus from these areas for a better life or to save their lives. Countries on the border of the EU, and generally all of them are facing a huge immigration pressure from people arriving with ve ...
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Soft skills - connecting people

Start date: May 2, 2016, End date: Sep 1, 2016,

Taking into consideration that the society nowadays is using more and more gadgets, we spend more and more time on the Internet, we communicate through social media, more and more jobs are “in front of the computer” without real human contact and the main activity in children’s free time is playing computer games, people have fewer opportunities to develop soft skills, which at the same time, are ...
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YE kick off for an amazing journey from insecurity to self esteem

Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Our project did bring together 8 organizations that work with people with mental disabilities and/or Down syndrome, in Bant, the Netherlands. We chose this topic because there are very few Erasmus+ projects in this field and youth workers need more knowledge about the opportunities they have and to share experience on the subject from different countries. The main focus of the activities during t ...
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“Be active, Be creative!” 2014

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

«H2O» – Associação de Jovens de Arrouquelas / Youth Association of Arrouquelas presents an EVS project called «Be Active, Be Creative" that will take place in Arrouquelas – Portugal, between 1st of August 2013 and 1st of August 2014. This long term project will have 12 months of duration and we would like to receive 4 volunteers from different countries. The participants must be over 18 and the of ...
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Soft Skills as a Key to Employability

Start date: Jun 15, 2015, End date: Jan 14, 2016,

“Soft Skills as a Key to Employability” was a training course that involved 30 participants, 2 trainers and 3 support staff from 10 EU countries for 7 days of activities focused on the improvement and acquisition of new soft skills and transversal competences. The advancements in national education reforms and various EU policies have caused a steady increase in the number of people finishing seco ...
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The training course "Manage the Future - Build Partnerships" focuses on international project management, value of partnerships and participation of young people. In this projet we have 12 NGO´s(from EU and Caucasus) and 24 participantes. The venue gone be in Rio Maior and Arrouquelas, and happens from 02 to 10 May 2015. The training course aims to support sustainable partnerships and high quality ...
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The training course (TC) "The Life Before Us: Play writing techniques for multipliers of anti-discrimination youth work“ was held from the 25th of July to the 2nd of August 2014 in Potsdam, in the seminar-house „Hochlland“ of our partner Hochdrei e.V.. 34 participants from Albania, Armenia, Bosnia and Herzegowina, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Georgia, Greece, Macedonia, Malta, Spain ...
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Migration is one of the driving policy issues of our century and we are all affected directly or indirectly. Reasons for displacement are diverse - poverty, social or political exclusion, quest for a better life, studying or work abroad ... Each of our European societies has to cope with the repercussions of grand population shifts, especially after the grand economic crisis 2008. In our Short Stu ...
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BBEE : Building Bridges with Eastern Europe

Start date: Jun 20, 2014, End date: Sep 20, 2014,

The Contact-Making seminar "BBEE : BUILDING BRIDGES WITH EASTERN EUROPE" will gather youth workers from 26 youth organisations from 20 different European countries (14 Programme countries : France, Latvia, Poland, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, Denmark, Portugal, Italy, Greece, Malta, Germany, Republic of Macedonia, Turkey, and 6 Eastern Partnership countries : Georgia, Belarus, Moldova, Ukraine, Ar ...
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IBB: Intercultural Bridges Builders

Start date: Mar 1, 2008,

Theme: cultural diversity as a positive and powerful tool within international youth exchanges by active participation of young people. To built tolerance towards cultural diversity and find common European roots into it throughout the active participation of young people.Main aim is to train youth workers and youth leaders to be capable of preparing, implementing, and evaluating workshops on cult ...
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Voluntarism for You(th)

Start date: May 1, 2012,

The venue is Lapua, Finland. The type of the project is a training course. Theme: We would like to develop their skills, knowledge and attitudes concerning volunteers hosting, other hand concerning the volunteers and the mentors formal, informal and non-formal learning process during their EVS projects. To understand how they can develop the identity, social sensitivity and professions. We would l ...
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(Y)our Divercity

Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

"(Y)our Divercity" is youth exchange for 36 participants from 3 European Union countries and 3 Eastern Europe and Caucasus countries - Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Cyprus and Portugal. The aim of the project is to increase the competence of young people in the field of diversity and build tolerance, by:- increasing knowledge of the participants about the concept of diversity, stereotype ...
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URA - You are Able

Start date: Aug 15, 2012,

In response to the growing youth unemployment Europewide, “Youth Initiative Centre” NGO /Armenia/ launches partnership process for a 7-day international training course aimed at promoting volunteering as a mechanism for increasing youth employability.The TC introduces the 3R methodology /Recruitment, Retainment, and Recognition / on promoting volunteerism as a mechanism for increasing youth employ ...
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The aim of this project is to promote and further develop education about sustainable development with young people. Sustainable development, as a key idea around which environment and development are structured, is increasingly becoming an indistinguishable from the development of society. Through a mixture of formal and non-formal methodology, as well as focus on case studies – examples of good ...
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PBA Volunteers for Environment

Start date: Jan 1, 2012,

The partnership building activity 'Volunteers for Environment' will take place in Tsaghkadzor, Armenia 20-25 May, 2012. The PBA will connect 18 youth organizations interested in and working on environmental issues with volunteers. 32 youth leaders, youth workers and young volunteers from 15 EU and Eastern European/Caucasian countries will meet to discuss current environmental issues and the good p ...
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The "2nd International Youth Meeting: European Citizen - Where are you?" will bring together young people and people active in youth work from more than 20 different European countries (EU programme countries and neighbouring partner countries from SEE) in order to offer them a platform to discuss basic issues concerning participation and European citizenship, share experiences and additionally le ...
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" Let's Be Active! Tools to be effective in our local community" aims at increasing the organizations' management capacity in projects between EU and SEE countries by offering the participants advanced tools and new contacts. We want to increase the cooperation between youth organizations from EU countries and youth organizations from SEE countries augmenting their capability of managing projects. ...
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