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(Y)our Divercity
Start date: Mar 1, 2014,

"(Y)our Divercity" is youth exchange for 36 participants from 3 European Union countries and 3 Eastern Europe and Caucasus countries - Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Turkey, Cyprus and Portugal. The aim of the project is to increase the competence of young people in the field of diversity and build tolerance, by:- increasing knowledge of the participants about the concept of diversity, stereotypes and discrimination;- enhancing the understanding of participants' personal identity;- strengthening a sense of equality by exploring the origins of the European peoples;- facilitating the understanding of diversity by exploring the concept from its various angles - culture, sexual orientation, gender;- sharing best case practice in fighting discrimination in day by day life in the involved countries;- facilitating the exchange of information about the cultural peculiarities of involved countries.During the activities the participants will explore the topic of diversity through games, group discussions, role plays, simulations, workshops, ice-breakers and self reflection on various topics such as "diversity, ethnicity, egocentrism, gender equality, sexual orientation, inclusion and inter-cultural communication of the involved countries". The project will take place in the picturesque Old Orhei in the Republic of Moldova, in June 2014, for a duration of 10 days. Old Orhei is a unique natural and historical complex in the open air, providing the perfect setting to explore one of the core values of the European society - respect for diversity. The participants will have the extraordinary chance to learn about the Moldovan traditions as they will be accommodated in traditional Moldovan houses where local families from the Trebujeni village will be their hosts. This aspect will increase the inter-cultural dimension of the project, which will have a tremendous impact both on the participants and the local community.
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