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29 European Projects Found

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Die Basis einer dynamischen wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung sind qualifizierte MitarbeiterInnen in Unternehmen. Der steigende Fachkräftemangel in den naturwissenschaftlichen und technischen Bereichen (laut IV Steiermark ist der Bedarf besonders in den Bereichen Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik, Werkstoffwissenschaften, Metallurgie und Verfahrenstechnik gegeben) macht es erforderlich, neue Wege bei der Be ...
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Teaching blind people to programme with the aid of ProBIQ : With the "Programming with Borland C++ Builder 5" product, the ProBIQ project partners have for the first time developed a future-oriented vocational qualification for blind and visually challenged people. The curriculum and the teaching and learning materials are available free of charge on a CD-ROM or on the Internet in the four project ...
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Besides numerous other issues of social discrimination and drawbacks, blind and visually impaired people particularly face serious disadvantages on the labour market. The unemployment rate among this target group of more than 6.5 million people in Europe is extremely high in all EU countries.(E. g. Germany: 72 %; Poland: 87 %; between 40 and 50 % on average in the European countries; see Employmen ...
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Although now days, Innovation is taken into consideration in business strategy and political programmes of all European countries, evolution is inadequate in more of them, as the European technological Innovation reports reflect. European Innovation Scoreboard 2005 and European Innovation Scoreboard 2006.The core objectives are:· Encourage the professionals participation to develop Innovation know ...
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The Transfer of Innovation project TIMEWELL transfers innovative products of the pilot projects VITAL and APHRO into adjoining fields of vocational and further education e.g. hotel business and gastronomy. Modules that include knowledge and methods of holistic health approach were validated by the partners concerning currentness and usefulness for the target groups. Regarding the regional needs an ...
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One of the central ideas underlying European LLL policy is that international mobility should become a natural part of education and training schemes. This helps learners to achieve higher qualification levels which are crucial for a successful first step into the labour market or for career improvements. However, what still hampers the full potential of learning mobility within the EU are the pro ...
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Four transnational meetings (in Estonia, Finland, Romania, Czech) and meanwhile workshops using mainly on-line communication methods. The DCT is not an ICT-project itself but also an approach representing educational-sociological and political points of view for creating more reasonable methods to find out actual training needs.
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The overall aim of the project is to promote sustainable development of rural areas by improving the Quality of Vocational Educational Training systems and practices. In order to achieve this the specific aims of the project are defined: 1)To develop the Portofolio of Evidence, a new tool for assessment of student's achievements(experience) gathered in the workplace, either as a contracted worker ...
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Towards excellence and standarisation of childcare : The result of the project is a move towards excellence, flexibility and standardisation of childcare throughout Europe. A web-based system has been developed to deliver courseware and reinforce learning through online exams and community functionality. The project's approach is based on a combination of pedagogical theory, academic rigour, natio ...
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The objective of this proposal is twofold: (1) to systematically develop new skills in the metallurgical sector from the productive fabric and (2) to devise a methodology for the evaluation and certification of these new skills on the basis of existing reference models and of the vocational training systems of participating countries.The project will therefore identify a range of typical skills, a ...
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Listen & Touch developed a methodology to teach foreign languages to blind and visually impaired adults, as well as creating teaching materials adapted from a successful course in English for sighted learners. These methods were based on a communicative approach that had not been previously trialled with blind learners.
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The Scality-Leaqual aims to make an inventory of existing practice in the quality field and to propose a tool for analysing quality assurance which can be used in the 15 EU Member States and candidate countries in order to produce a quality assurance label for care of the elderly. To achieve this, two studies are planned: the first will have a technical focus and will involve collecting as much in ...
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The purpose of the City Net Development project is to set up a European network for the exchange and development of European expertise in the field of vocational training for disadvantaged population groups. In setting up the network, initiatives to facilitate the access of disadvantaged groups to the labour market will be introduced, including: the updating of skills of employees in local authori ...
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The VirtuOrientation project will create a virtual environment in vocational guidance for use by young people, with a particular focus on the disaffected and those outside of traditional educational & training systems.The project will develop an interactive, multi-media (internet based) package allowing young people to further explore their interests and to compare these to the world of work befor ...
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The INNOVA SME SUPPORT project aims to develop a range of innovative products and services to upgrade the knowledge and competencies of business support providers, focusing upon the development of an entrepreneurial culture and upon increasing SME development for three specific groups, women, young people and the rural population.Activities will include the production of: national case studies and ...
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The DICOMP-S.NET project mainly aims at supporting the digital competence of blind and visually impaired people in Europe, a group that is still facing considerable discrimination regarding their participation in modern training and education processes.
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Addressing language needs in SMEs : As a response to the need for sector specific language learning in the food processing and metal industries, six CD-ROMs covering six different languages have been produced. These will be used at in company training sessions and as distance learning tools. This project started in 2003 and lasted 30 months.
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The EUROCHANCE project will create on-line access to sector-specific English and German language learning modules for blind and visually impaired persons. These modules will be available at intermediate and advanced level and will be targeted at those training or working as telephone operators, administrators, health workers, music teachers, information providers or working in similar occupations ...
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The DEW project will design, pilot and introduce an on-line training course in strategy, management and ICT skills tailored to the needs of SME wholesale business managers and owners. This specialised and flexible learning programme should strengthen the small firms' capacity to face growing international competition. Developments will be guided by an initial review of specialist training and qual ...
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The project aims to fill the comunication and information gap between people with disabilities and their potential employers and trainers in the companies in order to facilitate the access of this disadvantaged group to practical vocational training and to the labour market. Zur Erreichung der Ziele setzt das Projekt auf Beratung, Qualifizierung und praktische Unterstützung für einen kompetenten I ...
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The project seeks to fill the communication and information gap between people with disabilities and their potential employers and trainers at companies. The object is to facilitate access by the disabled to practical vocational training and to the labour market. To achieve these goals, the project uses counselling, qualification measures and practical support to help people with disabilities and ...
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The aim of the project is to provide owners and quality managers within SMEs with a set of learning and practice tools for the acquisition of the necessary knowledge and skills on implementing a quality assurance system according to ISO 900:2000 standards.The tools will consist of: a book containing the necessary theory; a multimedia CD-Rom with a presentation of the elements of ISO 900:2000 stand ...
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Building upon the results of the previous INNOMAT project, INNO-PRO will undergo a range of development activities to expand the potential user group of the previously developed training materials on Innovation Management.An initial needs analysis will be undertaken across SMEs in INNO-PRO partner countries, with the results leading to additional development to both modify and improve the outputs ...
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Media means for small to medium enterprises : The project produced a variety of tools. These include a report on SMEs' commerical communications, a training curriculum, a case studies handbook and a glossary of key terms. They will contribute to enabling SMEs to make better use of the media. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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Visions of professional fulfilment : A methodology has been formulated, enabling parents to assist visually impaired youngsters in their personal and subsequent professional development. It is accompanied by documents and videos and a support network for parents. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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The project will establish an interactive course and best practice manual for nurses and social educators with the aim of promoting lifelong learning and the acquisition of skills for work in a multi-cultural environment. A CD-Rom will be developed (to be downloadable from the internet or encapsulated as part of a "best practice" package) covering three main themes; how to handle conflict with mul ...
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Studying as a means of integration : The partnership has produced a study book for ethnic minority health and social care students and a manual for teachers. These products will support minority students in entering vocational education and help teachers better cater for ethnically diverse groups of students. This project started in 2003 and lasted 24 months.
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Within the metal sector there is a new reality marked by the globalization of the economy. These changes have stimulated the organizational flexibility and the appearance of lineal structures in which the functional mobility and employability (flexibility) are basic. In this new scenario, metal workers have to develop a range of skills and competencies related to innovation.These competences are u ...
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The aim of the project is to learn how to use ICT to overcome our own barriers in education - teaching and learning as well - and to foster communication among people with special needs. The project created an open virtual space where users could contribute and communicate with other participants motivating them to develop their ICT and language skills and to use them for learning.Aspects of the p ...
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