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SCALITY-LEAQUAL - European quality assurance process and label relating to overall care of the elderly

The Scality-Leaqual aims to make an inventory of existing practice in the quality field and to propose a tool for analysing quality assurance which can be used in the 15 EU Member States and candidate countries in order to produce a quality assurance label for care of the elderly. To achieve this, two studies are planned: the first will have a technical focus and will involve collecting as much information as possible on existing practice; the second will have a socio-cultural thrust and will ensure that the technical strategy is placed in a social context. The project will also involve developing a tool for analysing quality assurance (SCALITY) which will take the form of an assessment framework on European convergence. It will set out the minimum requirements for caring for the elderly and will result in the creation of a European label for analysing quality assurance ("Label européen d'analyse de l'assurance qualité") (LEAQUAL). The ultimate aim is to have this label validated by the European Commission and thus to ensure that, in each Member State, the project is validated by the public authorities responsible for health and social security. Information on the project will be circulated at three levels: internally (the project involves 27 partners), nationally and at European level through the publication of a teaching manual, an information pack on the training measure, and a website. There are also plans to publish articles in the press and hold an international conference. The beneficiaries of the project are social-security and medical organisations which work with the elderly, bodies which provide training for professionals in the sector, the public authorities and elderly people themselves.
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