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Over 40 European Projects Found

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Interactive Comprehensive Tool for Holocaust Education

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2019,

The Holocaust is part of our common European heritage and has significantly affected the history and politics of our continent. The Nazi persecution and genocide was perpetuated by the regime but would not have happened without the active involvement, support and/or indifference of a large number of individuals. For a long time the survivors of the Holocaust have shared their memories with us, but ...
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Strengthening Thinking and Learning Skills

Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jan 31, 2019,

„Strengthening Thinking and Learning Skills" is a collective project of 7 participating organisations with the common mission to reduce disparities in learning outcomes affecting disadvantaged learners, underachievers or children with learning impairment through introduction of more effective teaching methods. The participating organizations work with a wide range of clients from children coming f ...
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Information and Educational Materials for Refugees and Immigrants

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018,

Europe is nowadays undergoing one of the most important crisis when it comes to migratory flows. People from different countries and cultures are forced to leave their homes searching for a better and safer place to live. At the same time, economic crisis is also affecting many European adults who have to face great difficulties to find a job and earn a decent living. In some cases, this critical ...
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The Lithuanian Free Market Institute together with six partner organisations in Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland, including the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, the Vilnius Vytautas Magnus Gymnasium in Lithuania, the JAMK University of Applied Sciences in Finland, the Riga Teacher Training and Educational Management Academy, Riga State Gymnasium No 1 in Latvia in Latvia, and Gu ...
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Savanorystės pasaulis (Volunteering world)

Start date: Aug 8, 2016, End date: Aug 7, 2018,

...and more active mobility of youth workers. Project participants - 12 long-term EVS volunteers from 3 different countries (Latvia, Germany and Italy), who will be hosted by 4 VA Caritas departments in Vilnius Arcdiocese. Expected project results are following:1. Stronger believe in volunteering value (as proactive way of participating in society processes and way of personal development) in EVS ho ...
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...economic partners; Slovo 21, a non-governmental and non-profit organization from the Czech Republic; MBM Training and Development Centre Ltd., an international company from the United Kingdom and Vilnius "Židinio", a gymnasium for adults from Lithuania. The key activities of the project are as follows: development of a curriculum „Expert for coordination of education and employment“ consisting of ...
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Into Experience!

Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017,

...Germany, Ukraine, Georgia, The Republic of Moldova, Italy and Spain to volunteer in 4 host organizations acting in the social, cultural and arts fields in Lithuania. This project will be held in Vilnius and Vievis cities. Voluntary service will be from 8 to 10 months, during which volunteers will actively engage in the daily activities of the host organizations and will be encouraged to take thei ...
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Pädagogischer Aufenthalt in Litauen

Start date: Sep 12, 2016, End date: Sep 11, 2017,

...f other mother tongues.In summer 2015, the participant supported the Red Cross in her hometown to teach refugees basic knowledge of the German language.In addition to lessons in Žemynos gimnazija in Vilnius the participant is allowed to support courses in several other schools.In collaboration with the cooperation partner she tries to locate problems when learning a foreign language and tries to f ...
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Pod wspólnym niebem Europy

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Project in the partnership with institutions from Poland, Iceland, Lithuani and Turkey entitled "Under the common sky of Europe" is the response to needs of every target group which takes part in the project: students, parents and local community. It helped to indicate the objectives: The main objective is: enhancement of mathematical - linguistic competences using innovative methods of work and ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Astronomy is one of the few scientific fields that interacts directly with society. Not only transcending borders, but actively promoting collaborations around the World. Although we live in a world faced with the many immediate problems of hunger, poverty, energy and global warming, we argue that astronomy has long term benefits that are equally as important to a civilized society. Several studie ...
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The project is proposed in accordance with document Education and Training in Europe 2020 which highlights that “ Foreign languages skills can enhance the employability of young people”. This initiative totally fits the target groups of our project which are primary and secondary students. Moreover, the recommendations outlined in Rethinking Education include new criteria of learning foreign lang ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The increasing presence of immigrants coming from extremely different contexts inevitably teaching professionals - and especially the ones operating in the linguistic and communicative areas - in the predisposition of "emergency-response" tools. In many cases, the majority of learning users from adult education providers are immigrants. Identifying didactic language methodologies, immediately appl ...
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Narrative environments for play and learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Narrative Environments for Play and Learning Background Narrative environments, play and learning have been the research object of scientific team since 1990’s. New scientific evidence about the importance of early years comes from the fresh brain research (Shonkoff, 2001; Greenspan & Shanker, 2004, Mustard, 2010). The World Bank has recommended investment to early education in 2005 based on avai ...
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In 2012, the Commission presented the new "Rethinking Education" strategy that calls for a fundamental shift in education with more focus on 'learning outcomes' - the knowledge, skills and competences that students acquire. Merely having spent time in education is no longer sufficient. In addition, basic literacy and numeracy still needs to be significantly improved and entrepreneurial skills and ...
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Through this project, we propose that students become aware both of the need and of the civic duty to be involved. In this respect, we follow the development of participatory culture of the students, who will get the consciousness of belonging to the European community. The information and the knowledge many young people have about the rights and duties as European citizens are incomplete. It is, ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

“The Euro-school reporters” is an ambitious project set to improve our students’ basic and transversal skills as well as to integrate and promote the usage of open digital resources in the daily school work. This project responds to our educational and social needs: - To improve our students’ basic and transversal skills by using innovative and motivating teaching methodologies. - To promote and ...
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Kūrybingumas mokant ir mokantis

Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...hool's main field of work - lessons and students, who are our main clients.Also, a new program for similar training in Lithuania will be organized so that our teachers could spread their knowledge in Vilnius city limits and beyond.
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LOOK OUT OF YOUR WINDOW- Rethink-React-Rejoice

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

...Rybnik 5) Pro Olympia Primary school-Sweden/Virserum 6)Othanbey Ilkokulu-Turkey/Bursa 7)Ynysowen Community Primary school-Wales/Aberfan 8)Vilniaus Vyturio pradine mokykla Primary school - Lithuania/Vilnius 9)Volksschule am Tabor - Austria/Neusiedl am See
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Vilnius Adult Education Centre (VAEC) constantly is being offered new challenges. Nowadays needs of adults are changing radically: they travel a lot, communicate in different languages and some of them become immigrants who need various education. As a result, teachers encounter a different type of difficulties, such as organizing teaching process so that it addresses specific needs of the learner ...
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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

Due to the characteristics of insularity, minor island and outermost region, as well as to the great mobility of teachers and schools instability, schools in Lanzarote (Canary Islands, Spain) have been characterised for having a scarce participation in European projects of education. There has been some participation in Comenius and Grundtvig in-service training, which in the former LLP were indi ...
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The idea of the Erasmus+ project is to send young people to different European countries to gain experience in the various companies or hotels of the European Union. The participants are supposed to evaluate the impact of migration on the staff in European tourism. Apart from that the participants should improve their foreign language competences, understand cultural differences and learn how to ...
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Vilnius Technology Training and Rehabilitation Center (acronym in Lithuanian – VTMRC) is a place where youth with various disabilities and learning difficulties are learning in educational programs for people with special needs. This group is much more vulnarable than the rest of society because they don‘t have basic social skills, they face social, economic and other challenges, furthermore disab ...
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Mokymo pameistrystės forma praktinių įgūdžių tobulinimas

Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017,

This project aims to contribute to the development of the advanced form of vocational training, namely - apprenticeship, in Lithuania. The project will focus on gaining practical skills in construction, construction mechanization, transport and welding areas, as well as in marketing and in sales. These skills are required to develop and promote apprenticeship and to ensure its constant provision. ...
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In September 2015 and in September 2016, respectively 15 students of the track “health care support worker” are supposed to work in the four institutions for handicapped aid with different profiles in the UK, Finland, Lithuania and Hungary. There will be accompanying training visits for the educational personal in the same institutions, which guarantee the covering and deepening of the topics also ...
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Revival of Disappearing Architectural Professions

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Feb 28, 2017,

The long-term objective of REDIAPRO’s partnership is a contribution to the forming of a small scale construction industry from traditional architectural professions, building customs and architecture-related handicrafts. The program makes a suggestion for re-linking the former connections between handicrafts and architecture while providing a working model for the comeback of arts and crafts to th ...
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The LIFE project is about collaborative learning from failure in entrepreneurship and collaborative actions to bring entrepreneurship forward.Although cultural diversity is one of Europe’s biggest assets, this also creates severe obstacles for entrepreneurs to scale their efforts at the pan-European level. The distributed markets, language barriers and decentralized policy leads to: lack of access ...
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Scaling up entrepreneurial hubs to Europe (STARTUP- SCALEUP)

Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Dec 31, 2016,

The aim of the innovation action STARTUP SCALEUP is to build a European ecosystem around four consolidated entrepreneurial ecosystems in Spain (Cloud Incubator HUB), the Netherlands (Crosspring Lab), Lithuania (Open Coffee Club) and Ireland (The Ryan Academy) and the largest social network for startups in the European Union (F6S), in order to provide a greater range and quality of services to ambi ...
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Growing together!

Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016, the ones who have fewer opportunities, to discover themselves, to learn from their own experience while supporting and helping others in international environment. This project will be held in Vilnius and Vievis cities. 8 volunteers will come to six organizations that work in the social and culture field. The duration of their volunteering service will be from 2 to 11 months. Volunteers will ...
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Take your Chance

Start date: Jul 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The project “Take your Chance” will invite 9 young people from Germany, Austria, Spain, Italy, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Turkey to volunteer in 4 host organizations acting in the social, cultural and arts fields in Lithuania. Voluntary service will be from 8 to 10 months, during which volunteers will actively engage in the daily activities of the host organizations and will be encouraged to take ...
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Feuerstein method implementation in school activities

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

..., Hearing and Speech Correction Centre Portorož, (Slovenia), Lithuanian Educational Centre for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Kedainiai Sviesioji Gymnasium, S. Stanevicius secondary school, Vilnius A.Kulvietis secondary school (Lithuania).
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Time for Change Europe

Start date: Oct 1, 2014, End date: Sep 30, 2016,

The Time for Change Europe Project will tackle the some of the key challenges that young people in Europe are facing right now, that will also after their long term future. The innovative Time for Change programme for young people developed in the UK , will be transferred to other member states during the lifetime of this project. This project addresses the needs of young people who are most at ri ...
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Be healthy! - Bądź zdrów!

Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2016,

...Podlaska Voivodeship Unit of Voluntary Labor Corps in Białystok. Partner organizations are: Palatul Copiilor Targoviste from Romania, CARPE DIEM from Slovakia and Asociacija "LADIES CIRCLE VILNIUS" from Lithuania. The official language of the exchange will be English. The main aim of our project is to promote the healthy way of living among youth from 4 European countries through cooking, sport an ...
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European Homeless and Mobile Citizens Network

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

In several major cities of North-Western EU countries, EU mobile citizens are amongst the most affected by homelessness and, although the main trend concerns people moving from Central and Eastern European countries to Western Europe, recent reports in the press refer to homeless people who have left Southern EU countries. According to a FEANTSA survey conducted in 2012, homeless services from 12 ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

We want to develop a common project among the children in European Hospital schools and other schools connected with them according to the number of children with special needs that it welcomes. We want to develop the IT competence. Through exchanges of informations and experiences we want pupils to relate to other pupils having different ways of leaving and different realities. Learning skills an ...
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Collect. Recycle. Manufacture.

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

One of the biggest global problems in the world is the increasing felling of forest areas, where the wood is used for paper production. Another important issue is the growing paper consumption and excessive consumerism. During the project all learners analyzed situations in their countries and shared their experiences with other participants from partner countries. Project participants learned to ...
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Decoding the human as well as many viral and bacterial genomes in 2003 has opened up new possibilities for diagnostics not only in medicine but also in agriculture and environmental protection. Concrete ideas for medical diagnostic procedures are born mainly from the deeper and deeper understanding of the molecular causes of diseases. This contributes significantly to the development of new, more ...
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"Create another way:police for youth"

Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016,

Project „Create another way: Police for youth“ is oriented towards police officers directly working with young people having fewer opportunities, strengthening of their international cooperation and development of work with youth in international and national levels. The project will involve 4 police officers from Latvia, Poland, Norway, Czech Republic and Lithuania. Youth criminality remains topi ...
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Objectives of the CEED ISSUE project are:• on EU level to evolve the technological developments and trials taking place in FI-PPP phases one and two into seed-type activities generating actual take-up of innovative Internet services and applications.• on the CEE level to radically improve the adoption rate of the FI-PPP Generic, Specific Enablers and use case platforms across the CEE region, focus ...
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Bites AEC is an educational institution, providing formal and non-formal education for adults. Recently non-formal adult education has become especially popular. Learners seek to gain new skills necessary for their professional career and life. On the basis of strategic conclusions we design syllabi which would best meet students’ needs. At present very popular sphere of non-formal education is th ...
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la Mobilité, une expérience pour tous

Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016,

The Regional Federation of the MFR in Aquitaine-Limousin in France is a non-profit organisation eyisting in the form of an association. 25 MFR are members of the regional structure which encourages each one to adopt the goal of putting into place actions of European mobility. Our strong points : - A strong experience in the organization of transnational and mobility projects (study visits, exchang ...
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