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Mokymo pameistrystės forma praktinių įgūdžių tobulinimas
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims to contribute to the development of the advanced form of vocational training, namely - apprenticeship, in Lithuania. The project will focus on gaining practical skills in construction, construction mechanization, transport and welding areas, as well as in marketing and in sales. These skills are required to develop and promote apprenticeship and to ensure its constant provision. Europe has recently seen a great emphasis on vocational training in the form of apprenticeship. Apprenticeship is an effective form of training during which 80 per cent of training takes place in a real work place. The rest 20 per cent of training is provided in the vocational educational institutions which enhance the knowledge through the theoretical or practical (pre-work) training. Companies favour this kind of vocational training since it ensures that an apprentice acquires the competencies required for a particular job. An uptake of good practical skills depends on the quality of training provided and on the competences of trainers. Giving teachers and students the opportunity to gain practical experience in foreign countries with which the Lithuanian companies trade, means creating a strong basis for the entire national economy. The practical skills gained by the VJLMTC staff during this Mobility project will create a real opportunity for a better quality apprenticeship and a better supply of the work force for the companies. The countries of Mobility visits to gain practical skills in welding, construction and transport will be Finland and Belgium. In Lithuania, apprenticeship is not yet supported by the state. Apprenticeship in Lithuania is offered most often by the vocational training institutions in the form of projects supported by the European Commission. Such provision is inconsistent and results in a reduction of trust in the apprenticeship mode of training among companies. Therefore, vocational training institutions are looking for the ways to stabilise the supply of apprenticeship. This can be achieved through the creation of the apprenticeship marketing and apprenticeship sales systems in the training institutions. This Mobility project will allow gaining practical skills in these areas during a visit to Italy. The project has two long-term objectives: 1. To supply the Lithuanian companies with the qualified labour force. 2. To contribute to the development of apprenticeship in Lithuania. In order to achieve the long-term objectives, the following short term objectives have been set up: to observe the practical work processes and innovative technologies of truck driving, passenger carrying, robot welding, energy efficient construction and metallic painting programs in Belgium and Finland; to learn practical skills of organising apprenticeship marketing and sales in Italy.

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