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LOOK OUT OF YOUR WINDOW- Rethink-React-Rejoice
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

"We don´t have time to wait for a hero who might come and save Earth. We need to create our own heroes, we all can be a planet hero. Wake up and do something" Through this project we want to make the pupils aware, how their activities are influencing the enviroment. Pupils shall learn to recognize the status of the natural enviroment , which surrounds them. We want to show the pupils through this project how much of valuable, natural resources they are consuming and how large a part of this will end up in waste. Through this project, we will show them ways to reduce the consumation of resources to prevent the creation of waste. We want to show them a smart aproach to sustainability. The objective of this project is to lead the pupils to rejoicing over their newly developed ability to protect the enviroment by inteligent use of resources. The resources we are covering are water, paper and crude oil. The project will be implemented through different actictvities within the classroom and out of the classroom. In the classroom, the pupils will be thaught about the different topics of the project, e.g. fresh water, waste water , general waste, resources usages. The work of the class teacher will be enhanced and supplemented by invited experts on the different topics. Pupils workshops will be guided by the classroom teacher with support of invited artists. In addition to the classroom work there will be organized excursions to different show places of the relevant topics, e.g. feshwater distribution installations, water purification,waste water treatment plants, waste collection institutions, rubbish places, forest,saw mills, print office and recycling companies. Experiments will be carried out. To document the project activities and to exchange this information amongst the project partners, we will use printing and graphical presentations. Pupils will have an increased knowledge about the origin of resources. Pupils are aware of waste production , of the finite availabilty of resources, they are abel to use the resources sparingly and reduce their waste production. Pupils will have changed their lifestyles minimizing their production of waste. They will have a smart approach to sustainabilty. Pupils will refrain from discarding items of negative enviromentel impact. The pupils will be more open minded for the use of new technologies for contacts, researches and presentations. They will have a willingness to share knowledge and skills. Pupils can use ICT effectivly in videoconferences, mails and use of internet research for information on the project topic. They can use ICT to assist with language difficulties and raise language awareness. They will have improved their oral performance in a foreign language, will become more fluent in the use of the language and and they will be more open minded towards other languages and cultures. Pupils will have knowledge about a better time management, problem solving , decision taking and responsibility. The pupils will have gained a better knowledge about the topics involved and will have gained a better insight into the European context of the subject. The paedagogical methods and teaching materials, which have been created and documented during the project work will be ready for use.This collection will have been transfomed into a teacher ´s support folder -booklets-which which will be disseminated to other collegues in different schools to be used to replicate the project ideas in their schools. Non teaching staff will have less waste to remove. Desired impact of the project of all levels is a change of mind of people to use valuable resources responsibly and sparingly and by this protect the enviroment. By creating an awareness about litter production, and by increasing the pupils ability to segregate rubbish and by makeing them more sensitive towards enviroment they are surrounded by, this project shall change the behaviour of the local community as soon as the pupils are grown up as valuable members of this community. There are nine participants. Their profiles are as follows. 1)Pre pimary school and kindergarden- Bulgaria/Varna: 2)Primary boy school- Ireland/ Carrigaline 3)Newark Primary school-Malta/Sliema 4)Primary school-Niedobczyce-Poland/Rybnik 5) Pro Olympia Primary school-Sweden/Virserum 6)Othanbey Ilkokulu-Turkey/Bursa 7)Ynysowen Community Primary school-Wales/Aberfan 8)Vilniaus Vyturio pradine mokykla Primary school - Lithuania/Vilnius 9)Volksschule am Tabor - Austria/Neusiedl am See
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7 Partners Participants