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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The increasing presence of immigrants coming from extremely different contexts inevitably teaching professionals - and especially the ones operating in the linguistic and communicative areas - in the predisposition of "emergency-response" tools. In many cases, the majority of learning users from adult education providers are immigrants. Identifying didactic language methodologies, immediately applicable at the stage of reception of adult newly-comers/immigrants, is a priority for all institutions applying for the proposed partnership. The overcoming of the above mentioned "didactic emergency" can be made possible by the spread and the exchange of experiences, related methodologies and experimented practices in the different countries and teaching/learning contexts involved in project. Therefore, our objectives are: - Comparison of literacy systems used by involved partners; - Improvement in effectiveness of actions carried out by partner institutions through identification of new teaching strategies which may help learners - newly settled immigrants - acquire LSP (languages for specific/special purposes) and relational competencies applicable on an everyday basis to their new contexts of residence; - Comparison and exchange/sharing good practices among the partners in relation to: "welcoming" modalities for learners testing of their language skills identification of their communicative and sociocultural needs - Development of the network among involved partners in order to increase opportunities for expertise and didactic tools sharing within the same institutions; - Dissemination of produced materials by the means of a web platform to the wide audience within and outside of EU; - Production of multimedia (such as video, website and etc) which will simulate various scenarios of immigrant-life and -work in public offices, places of work, leisure environments and etc.) - Collection and presentation of the most significant experiences on paper supports. Coherently, the mission of the proposed project and partnership consists in carrying out both a "research-while-training" stage and a subsequent practical application of didactic options previously experimented among various partners. We strongly believe that this "two-side" articulation (training/communication) will contribute to the "surplus value" of the proposed project. Project activities will favour the development of innovative practices in the Adult Education and their transfer from one partner to another. They will increase knowledge in knowing WHAT, WHEN, HOW to EVALUATE the outcomes of knowledge and skills gained during the process of this partnership. As well, it is expected that all previously described impacts may create feedback effects from the one level to the other and vice versa, which may create the multiplier effect. The long-term sustainability of this project will be favoured by the logic of mutual interest for all involved partners organizations. The fact that the partners previously managed other projects within European cooperation framework will created a real dynamic in the proposed partnership. As well, the project promotion will not stop at the end of it, due to possibility of new correlated projects between consortium members in the near future.

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4 Partners Participants