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"Create another way:police for youth"
Start date: Mar 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project „Create another way: Police for youth“ is oriented towards police officers directly working with young people having fewer opportunities, strengthening of their international cooperation and development of work with youth in international and national levels. The project will involve 4 police officers from Latvia, Poland, Norway, Czech Republic and Lithuania. Youth criminality remains topical in all countries of the European Union. Police officers from different foreign countries pay a lot of attention for the reduction of youth criminality. They look for various and innovative methods how to include youth in spending their free time purposefully, promote mutual tolerance. During the communication with our colleagues we have noticed that police officers in the European countries encounter similar difficulties while performing prevention of youth law violations. The main activity to reach project goals and tasks: 8 days of international training in Lithuania. The purpose of training – to raise personal and professional competences of police officers (knowledge, skills, provisions) for work with youth experiencing difficulties and to encourage international cooperation. The program of training will be based on the principles of informal education. Participants will perform various tasks in the training and later, by reflecting their experience, they will have a possibility to analize their behaviour in group. During the training we will aim at creating an environment which would allow not only understanding your behaviour better, but also experimenting and trying new methods of behaviour and acting in a group. In an attempt to disclose different topics learning methods involving participants will be applied: outdoor experiencial learning, experience reflection, discussion, interactive presentations etc. We hope that project participants will improve their work quality with youth having fewer opportunities. Participants will gain theoretical knowledge and practical skills how to improve results of preventive work with youth. Namely professional knowledge, skills and personal development will enable participants to apply gained experience in their direct work. At the end of the training police officers will better understand their role and bearing in the work with youth.

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