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Be healthy! - Bądź zdrów!
Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Sep 14, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The international youth exchange ‘Be healthy! - Bądź zdrów!' will take place in the Education and Training Centre of Voluntary Labor Corps in Wasilków (Poland) between 1st and 7th of August 2016 in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme. There will be 20 participants from Lithuania, Romania, Slovakia and Poland at the age of 16-18 and 1 leader from each country (except of Lithuania - there will be 2 leaders). Most of participants of our project is youth with fewer opportunities – all participants from Labor Corp in Łomża and from Foster Home in Lapiai and 2 participants from Romanian organization. The applicant organization is Podlaska Voivodeship Unit of Voluntary Labor Corps in Białystok. Partner organizations are: Palatul Copiilor Targoviste from Romania, CARPE DIEM from Slovakia and Asociacija "LADIES CIRCLE VILNIUS" from Lithuania. The official language of the exchange will be English. The main aim of our project is to promote the healthy way of living among youth from 4 European countries through cooking, sport and art workshops. During exchange young people will take part in cooking workshops connected with good nutrition (cooking healthy meals, disscusion and degustation), sport workshops (sport games such as basketball, volleyball, football, table tennis, route in the Rope Park in Fasty) and art workshops about the healthy way of living (preparing posters and performing short theatre plays). All activities will be held in mixed international groups. Young people will also take part in cultural evenings where they will present culture, history, national symbols, traditions, customs, music, dances etc. of each of 4 participating countries. Moreover, there will be a lot of integration games, disco and two educational excursions: to Holly Water (fieldtrip) and to Bialystok (city game). During those excursions youth not only will get to know natural and cultural values of Podlasie region but also will have certain tasks to do (eg. city game). At the end of the exchange participants together will organize barbecue with exhibition of works made during art workshops where also local society (youth and adults) will be invited.Thanks to participation in our exchange youth will gain knowledge about ways of healthy lifestyle. We hope that in the future they will remember about good nutrition, sport activities and other important things learnt during workshops. Project will remove linguistic barriers and motivate youth for learning foreign languages in the future. Participation in the project will develop tolerance and respect for other nations and young people will leave our exchange having new long-lasting friendships from abroad.
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3 Partners Participants