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26 European Projects Found

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In line with ET2020 objectives recently elaborated in Riga Conclusions (2015) calling to "to promote work-based learning in all its forms", "to enhance access to VET and qualifications through more flexible systems", to promote the use of transparency and recognition tools, to support for transnational mobility, to support for professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in scho ...
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National Agency for Vocational Education and Training (NAVET) is a promoter of the project proposal. According to the low for Vocational education and training NAVET is a specialized body to the Council of Ministers of Republic of Bulgaria for licensing of activities and coordination of the institutions and organizations related to vocational guidance, training and education. Besides these functio ...
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New Models in Work-Based Learning

Start date: Nov 1, 2015, End date: Apr 30, 2018,

The aim of our project is to: - increase public awareness of work based learning models. - strengthen relationships among and within all sector stakeholders' groups. - fortify links between all actors working and interacting cohesively and collaboratively to create greater effectiveness of work based learning. - reinforce a dynamic and effective communications network. These goals we will achieve ...
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The EFFeCT project aims to facilitate policy development and well-evidenced innovative improvements related to teacher learning at all levels of educational governance. By enhancing opportunities for teachers’ collaborative learning at all stages of their career, the project will contribute to improving teachers’ competencies in order that they have up-to-date knowledge and skills to provide bette ...
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Skills in metal and electro industry

Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2017,

Never ending progress and development of manufacturing procedures demand continuous and up-to-date training which needs to be a response to industry's needs and has to enable the mobility of trainees and workers. Challenges of skill gaps, raising employment and employability rate, quality and efficiency of education and training and improving synergy between the worlds of education and work as pre ...
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Training Set for Smart Lighting Control Systems

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

In today's world, energy saving by efficient use of existing energy is a very important subject matter. Lighting systems has come to the fore as the most important element of the energy efficiency. technically skilled workforce is needed for the installation of the dynamic lighting systems and ensuring the sustainability. However, there is not any specific course about smart lighting systems in th ...
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In times of striking economic crisis in Europe, education and training are more in the spotlight than ever, as policymakers are looking for clear responses to challenges faced by the Member States. All over Europe, national VET system and VET organisations are making considerable efforts to face these challenges and are undergoing developments to ensure that VET qualifications meet the highest qua ...
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B-Learning: Curriculum Design for Blended Learning

Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

Widespread use of information and communication technologies (ICT) in schools requires not only competent use of technical tools, but also a new kind of understanding of why, how and when technologies support students learning. In schools today ICT is rather used for the development of lower than higher level skills of students, and innovative practices in schools are fragmented and do not provide ...
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Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project consortium, PRÁCTICA LABORAL CON EUROPA DE ALUMNOS DE MADRID (Work based learning in Europe for Madrid students) requested through this call 2016, arises due to the interest shown by schools, and to provide continuity and response from the Directorate General for VET to the one started in 2015. In this call it has been increased up to 30% of the existing centres in Madrid and it is aim ...
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One of the main objectives of the Project is to promote stronger coherence between different EU and national skills transparency and recognition tools, so as to ensure that skills and qualifications can easily be recognized nationally and across borders. Transferable standards in selected skills profiles will facilitate greater alignment and transferability of national qualifications in accordanc ...
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Sustainable Energy Management @ Schools in Europe

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The project aims to promote the orientation of young people through an academic apprenticeship able to put the young learners involved in a position to increase their skills and to make them aware of the employment opportunities related to the energy sector . The aim of the project is therefore to raise the awareness of educational bodies on the themes of the green economy and to tr ...
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Maths Together

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017,

The aim of the 'MaTo' project is to help motivate teachers and students in their approach towards and learning of Mathematics. It includes multidisciplinary competences of literacy (the working language is English) and numeracy, and facilitates the exchange of knowledge and good practice between 6 European nations: Italy (leading partner); Hungary; Poland; Germany; the UK and France. The basic id ...
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Training for CLIL and intercultural communication

Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016,

Our project is based on an implementation of an international line in our middle school department. (Student in year 7-9) We want a structure, that includes students choosing a line of their own liking, the free choice motivating them to end Middle school and achieve an oppotunity to continue further into their senior training. It is our plan that the implementation of an international line will ...
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Jugendaustausch Viscri, Rumänien und St. Georgen, Deutschland 2016

Start date: May 15, 2016, End date: Aug 14, 2016,

"Viscri incepe" is a nonprofit organization since 1999. This women’s project was founded by two german people who live there ,and 30 women of Viscri. Many people are very poor in this small village because here are just few workplaces. One old woman began to sell her knitted socks and the tourists from Germany took the socks home for them or they tried to sell them.That started the “Viscri woollen ...
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More and more VET institutions are willing to arrange international placements and apprenticeships for their students. The ET2020 strategic priority No1 "Making lifelong learning and mobility a reality" proposes that mobility abroad should become a rule rather than exception. This will mean a growing number of mobilities in VET. The mass scale of mobilities requires strategies for ensuring the qua ...
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...e between Latvia and Estonia in Developing Occupational Qualifications System" will promote exchange of experiences and starting new international cooperation between National Centre for Education (VISC) and Sihtasutus Kutsekoda - the institutions that are responsible for development of national sectoral qualification structures, elaboration of occupational standards and register. New experience ...
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Teach TW0 - Teach To Waste 0

End date: May 30, 2015,

TEACH TW0 project aims at transferring outcomes and tools realised within the U.E. Programme SAVE by the project TEACH, promoted and implemented by Energy Agencies of Italy, Austria, Ireland and by Schools and other Cultural Institutions. The main goal of TEACH TW0 is to foster the adoption of a Methodology of Energy Analysis in cooperation with European school students. All partners involved can ...
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Our dreams make the future!

Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Jan 16, 2015,

"Our Dreams Make The Future!" is a youth exchange project between 14 Belgian and 21 Romanian youngsters (incl. groupleaders). During 10 days we will search for our dreamjob, look for tools to make our dreams reality and learn basic skills revolving our these different jobs. We will also learn basic languageskills from at least 2 different languages, Romanian, English and German. Our programme also ...
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QUICK: Innovative SMEs by Gender and Age (Quick-IGA)

Start date: Sep 19, 2011, End date: Mar 27, 2014,

The following findings are the background of the project: a) The number of persons in employable age in the BSR countries decreases by up to 20 % until 2030.b) The increasing lack of skilled workers will limit innovation and growth of SMEs.c) While equal opportunities for women and elderly in the workplace are comparably high in Scandinavia, it must be improved considerably in countries south of t ...
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The implementation of educational interventions was fostering actions different and integrative with respect to the scholastic and “traditional” ones (counselling, socialization, transferring of competences related to the freetime management), represented an efficacious strategy when coping with young unease, apt to support the reintegration of subjects dropped out of compulsory education and trai ...
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SummaryThe reason for the Creative ECVET Project is twofold. 1. It will provide an answer for the mobility issue in VET education in the Graphic-Media and creative industry. The project will use an innovative method and creative way to reach the aim of mobility of VET students and increasing the attractiveness of VET education. The project focuses on the analyses of the official documents used in ...
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Reasons for LINKING project : Latvia’s long-term strategy goals of moving towards a smart , knowledge-based economy imply challenges for all areas of public policy. The recent economic crisis has created more pressure. This is the time when politicians and individuals are looking for solutions : how to promote exports, entrepreneurship, improve employability and flexibility of the labor market, an ...
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Project motivation: needs and challenges that will be solved. In its Council opinion on Latvia's convergence programme for 2012-2016 (Brussels, 19 June 2013), the EU Council indicated that there are concerns that vocational education and training is failing to provide sufficient quality of skills for the workforce and there is limited availability of quality work-based training. In Latvia employer ...
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OUT-IN aims to adapt and transfer the results of a Leonardo Da Vinci’s pilote project (ISOL-ACTION) for the “learning professionals” – to develop competences in planning and implementing of projects financed by the European Union. OUT-IN focuses on the competences requested to plan transnational Mobility projects. There are the steps to adapt the model: a) Preliminary field analysis to add/revise ...
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MAIN ACTIVITIESMain activities of the Project are: realisation of a comparative Survey aimed at analysing the didactic contents and learning goals related to students aged 15-16 y.o foreseen in the Maths national curricula in Italy, Latvia and Greece;realisation of a pilot transfer action in Italy and Latvia focused on:• training teachers in the use and application of the Do.Re.Mat method;• deve ...
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EU benchmarks and statistics on education show a low enrollment rate in science field of study at tertiary education level. The risk is the one of weakening the competitiveness and innovation capacity of the EU against its main international competitors. The results of the PISA survey in the Countries involved in the project witness unsatisfactory performances in science by 15 y.o. students.The ch ...
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