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Training Set for Smart Lighting Control Systems
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In today's world, energy saving by efficient use of existing energy is a very important subject matter. Lighting systems has come to the fore as the most important element of the energy efficiency. technically skilled workforce is needed for the installation of the dynamic lighting systems and ensuring the sustainability. However, there is not any specific course about smart lighting systems in the current curriculum of the electric-electronic departments in the vocational high schools. Therefore, vocational high school students do not have chance to learn smart lighting technology through their vocational education. Although the energy efficiency has been increasing in importance and smart lighting sector has been growing, technical staff insufficiency is a major problem of the labor market. Since the vocational school graduates are not qualified enough and not equipped with technical knowhow, they are not able to meet the needs of smart lighting market. Our project is derived from the mentioned needs of vocational school graduates and the ligting sector. Based upon the problem of distinction between market demands and vocational education, aims of the project are explained below. The main aim of the project is to provide vocational school graduates employment opportunities in the energy sector with the knowledge and knowhow of smart/dynamic lighting. Within the project, it is aimed to support the development of high quality vocational education with a strong work-based learning component. The neccessary preperations will be made within the project by creating an e-learning program, simulation software and experimental kit about dynamic lighting for the vocational education institutions in order to equip vocational school graduates for the labor market.Therefore, it is intented to provide the students of vocational training institutions to be able to graduate with an industry knowledge about dynamic lighting and to be ready for the sector. Moreover, there will be a technical information document which consist of manifacturing phase details and technical pictures of experimental kit. With the help of details and pictures of manifacturing phase of experimental kit, other vocational high schools will be able to produce an experimental kit for their own. Educational materials that will be developed in collaboration with international partners, it will be in the form that aiming to provide qualified labor force. The labor force required for the sector will be supplied with help of the course content which aims to educate qualified technicians needed for dynamic lighting automation system installation, implementation and maintenance. At the same time, effective educational facilities are ensured to provide practical education.
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