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Learning Links : Lifelong Learning Strategies and Practices in Support of Growth, Inclusion and Well-being
Start date: Feb 1, 2011,

Reasons for LINKING project : Latvia’s long-term strategy goals of moving towards a smart , knowledge-based economy imply challenges for all areas of public policy. The recent economic crisis has created more pressure. This is the time when politicians and individuals are looking for solutions : how to promote exports, entrepreneurship, improve employability and flexibility of the labor market, and how to encourage economic migrants come back? The pre-condition for a knowledge based economy is a strong lifelong learning system. Creating a comprehensive lifelong learning system will be possible if policy and decisionmakers, educationalists and learners can see how learning 1) can help the economy – imediately and in long-term ; 2) can support our wellbeing and welfare– in short-term and long-term ; 3) how it can make each individual feel more confident, more needed and accepted, and more happy. This context prompted formulating 4 thematic modules based on EU lifelong learning strategies. LINKING project goals: 1) to promote understanding and implementation of lifelong learning policies as a comprehensive system, linked with other public policy sectors; 2) to provide demonstration and visibility of how EU lifelong learning strategies and practices are linked to employment, inclusion, economic growth, personal fulfillment; 3) to improve cooperation between education managers and professionals, researchers, policy-makers, stakeholders, practitioners and local-level actors. LINKING project Activities: I.Organize : 2 national level forums (February and November) and 4 regional level forums: (April – September: „Lifelong Learning Days” in Vidzeme, Latgale, Zemgale, Kurzeme) discussing lifelong learning strategies and practices and opportunities through perspective of 4 thematic modules: Key Competences; Knowledge Economy; Inclusion; Mobility. These events will be preceded and supported by multiple round-table meetings of education proffesionals, policy-makers, stakeholders, researchers; The events will be featured by national TV; II. Collect, feature, disseminate: statements, information, stories, videos, case studies representing lifelong learning initiatives and practices (according to 4 thematic modules) at national level and in 4 regions of Latvia: on national TV (broadcast and internet), on LINKING Project website/portal; through partners’ national and regional networks and through associated partners; through social networks by partners and associated partners; Book/Album „Lifelong Learning Strategies and Practices in Support of Growth, Inclusion, Well-being in Latvia”. Structure and content of LINKING project: All events will be organized around 4 thematic modules: 1) Key Competences (special focus: transversal competences); 2) Knowledge Economy; 3) Inclusion (special focus: economic migrants and Russian-speaking community of Latvia, people with disabilities); 4) Mobility: These modules will be transversal in nature: they will represent all levels of education system: General education; VET; HE; adult and non-formal education, informal learning; All events and modules will embrace, represent and publicize 3 levels: European-level strategies and initiatives; national-level strategies and initiatives; local practices, initiatives, networks. Outputs of LINKING project: 2 national-level forums "Learning Links : Lifelong Learning Strategies and Practices in Support of Growth, Inclusion and Wellbeing”: the 1st – to launch the project; the 2nd at the end - to summarize, disseminate; 4 regional level forums: one in each historical region of Latvia: Vidzeme, Zemgale, Kurzeme, Latgale; Series of local level events: round tables, seminars, workshops organized by

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  • Education and training\Life long learning (2007-2013)\POLICY CO-OPERATION AND INNOVATION IN LIFELONG LEARNING (KEY ACTIVITY 1)\Awareness of lifelong learning policies and EU cooperation in education and training
  • Project on ERASMUS Platform

3 Partners Participants